
September 01, 2007 Articles

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  1. Prescribe oral antibiotics when internal hordeola do not respond to topical therapy
  2. ²É·Ã£º¹ú¼ÊÑÛ¿ÆЭ»á½ðÆ»¹û½±»ñµÃÕß¡¢ÖйúÑÛ¿Æר¼Ò¡¢Ò½Ñ§²©Ê¿ÀèÏþÐÂ
  3. A 6-year-old boy who spent time in rural Germany
  4. A novel gene for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  5. ACC/AHA publish revised management guidelines
  6. Addressing pediatric AIDS in Africa requires multifaceted approach
  7. Aggressive pharmacologic protocols may be associated with TJR complications
  8. An 8-day-old boy with jaundice
  9. Autologous conditioned serum is more effective than HA, saline for OA treatment
  10. Bony approach to patellar instability corrects patella alta, trochlear dysplasia
  11. British government targets U.K. medical training program for improvement
  12. Carpal instability, malunion among complications of distal radius fracture
  13. Children treated for brain tumors have inferior school performance
  14. CMS proposes several reforms for Stark Law in 2008
  15. CMS restricts coverage for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
  16. Complementary and alternative medicine for infectious diseases: Are they helpful?
  17. Complete phakic IOL safety elusive, study indicates
  18. Compliance, environment risk factors for infections
  19. Congreso Argentino de Oftalmología recuerda un buen amigo y colega
  20. Congresso Argentino de Oftalmologia homenageia um bom amigo e colega
  21. Corneal hysteresis measurement useful in refractive surgery, glaucoma
  22. Cryptosporidium in Milwaukee’s water supply caused widespread illness
  23. CT screening for lung cancer: Wait for the data
  24. CVS requires multifaceted treatment
  25. Deformed knees benefit from corrective soft tissue or bony procedures prior to TKR
  26. Diagnosing, treating CVS relies on good case history
  27. Diagnosis, treatment multifactorial for osteonecrosis of the adult femoral head
  28. Double-bundle ACL reconstruction restores anatomy, kinematics
  29. Dual therapy, reduction in dosing decreases IOP
  30. El láser de femtosegundo amplía la base de pacientes para LASIK
  31. Exercise may improve overall quality of life in people with HIV
  32. Experimental treatments for lung cancer reviewed at meeting
  33. Expert goes from M-mode to 3-D imaging in his career
  34. Expert in uveitis looks to advance the field in India
  35. Experts monitor H5N1 spread and overlap in wild bird flyways
  36. FDA advisory verdict: Continue rosiglitazone
  37. FDA approves maraviroc for adults with HIV
  38. FDA issues guidelines for dietary supplements
  39. FDA panel endorses raloxifene for postmenopausal breast cancer prevention
  40. FDA: No increased cardiovascular risk with heartburn drugs
  41. FDA: No increased cardiovascular risk with heartburn drugs
  42. Fellowship from a spouse’s perspective
  43. Femtosecond laser amplia a base de pacientes para LASIK
  44. Hepatitis A routine childhood immunization recommendations published
  45. High-dose chemotherapy, stem-cell rescue effective against testicular tumors
  46. How to build equity inside and outside of your practice with real estate
  47. ICDs prevented sudden cardiac death in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  48. Imatinib resistance: a role for dasatinib
  49. Is the message about aspirin confusing patients?
  50. La supraposición muscular trata la diplopía asociada con miopía alta
  51. Lack of awareness makes skin cancer rare but more severe for minorities
  52. Laser technologies have altered glaucoma treatment dynamic
  53. Learn tips and tricks for optimal CT image quality
  54. Long-term study finds a higher THR revision rate with larger femoral heads
  55. Meticulous attention to detail can help prevent or manage surgical complications
  56. Monitoring glucose once weekly as effective as four times weekly
  57. Most patients did well after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, yet some tears remain
  58. National agency strives to regulate EMR quality through certification
  59. Nebivolol had neutral effect on blood glucose
  60. New immunization schedules more user-friendly
  61. New immunization schedules will be user-friendly
  62. New nanotech protocols detail parameters that help trace biomarkers
  63. New techniques allow phaco and corneal transplantation through a cloudy cornea
  64. Non-pharmaceutical interventions may quell influenza pandemic spread
  65. Not all parameters detect relationship between low back pain and MRI findings
  66. Novel NNRTI reduced viral loads in ART-naive men with HIV
  67. Obesity linked to hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease
  68. Older diabetes drugs produced similar glycemic effects as new drugs
  69. One intracorneal segment treats keratoconus better than two
  70. Opinions vary on Scheuermann’s kyphosis treatment
  71. Optometry Giving Sight solicits participation in World Sight Day
  72. Overtreatment a cause of complications with pediatric distal radius fractures
  73. Pain management after total joint replacement: A revolution is under way
  74. Pediatric ACL reconstruction produced no leg length discrepancy, angular deformity
  75. Performance measures should depend on evidence-based practice, experts say
  76. Phaco, manual cataract procedures both needed
  77. Phototherapeutic keratectomy shows promise in newborns
  78. Pigmented iris lesion documented in an asymptomatic patient
  79. Presbyopia correction: Multifocality at odds with neurophysiology
  80. President of IIIRS prides himself on current success, future goals
  81. PRO 140 associated with potent antiviral activity in patients with HIV
  82. Prohibiting a child with a dermatological problem from school requires careful consideration
  83. Recreational water use caused some cryptosporidiosis outbreaks
  84. Reposicionamento superior do músculo corrige a diplopia associada à alta miopia
  85. Researchers define two types of IOL calcification
  86. Revision THA using an antibiotic-loaded spacer in two stages: The new standard
  87. Rosiglitazone viewed through a political prism
  88. Routine monitoring of THA patients for femur fractures recommended
  89. SERI osteotomy yields more complications than Scarf and Akin for bunion deformity
  90. Sight-threatening infections need fortified antibiotics
  91. Smaller practices can compete against larger ‘eye institutes’
  92. Smoking may trigger early menopause
  93. Special considerations needed for LASIK in glaucoma patients
  94. Storm surrounding rosiglitazone is not over
  95. Study questions the role rotator interval closure plays in arthroscopic stabilization
  96. Surgeon education crucial to success of minimally invasive knee arthroplasty
  97. Surgeons explain how to approach reconstruction of the iris, pupil
  98. Surgeons to perform more navigated TKA, arthroscopic uni-knee surgeries by 2015
  99. Sutureless 23-gauge vitrectomy changing surgical paradigm
  100. Symposium
  101. Symposium: Redefining total hip replacement for active patients
  102. The latest model IOLs: What do they offer us?
  103. The political debate: Choices and changes in our health care system
  104. Thomas Addison: 1793-1860
  105. Thomas Addison: c.1793-1860
  106. Translation in diabetes may lead to better outcomes
  107. Two states expand treatment options
  108. Ulnar-sided wrist pain, complex regional pain syndrome require prompt intervention
  109. Vexing vaccination issues for adolescents
  110. Washington Update
  111. WISDOM trial results consistent with WHI findings
  112. 研究表明,有晶体眼人工晶体的确切安全性不明
  113. 采访:国际眼科协会金苹果奖获得者、中国眼科专家、医学博士黎晓新
  114. 青光眼患者行LASIK需作特殊考虑