
April 01, 2007 Articles

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  1. ‘Physician owned’ — changing connotations and roles for orthopedists
  2. ‘Triple therapy’ shows promising results for AMD treatment
  3. 25-gauge tools improve congenital cataract surgery in infants
  4. A 13-month-old girl with pre-auricular swelling
  5. A closer look at vaccines for pandemic influenza and for the 2007-2008 influenza season
  6. Adolescents who had bariatric surgery did as well or better than adults
  7. Adult immunization rates still lagging
  8. An 11-year-old girl with a warty papule
  9. Analgesics for mild-moderate pain in children
  10. Anestesia tópica como alternativa segura e eficaz em esclerectomia profunda
  11. Anestesia tópica como opción segura y eficaz en esclerectomía profunda
  12. Anti-infective drug therapy may lead to dysrhythmia risk
  13. AOA announces formation of project team to explore board certification
  14. Aspirin first choice for heart disease prevention in women
  15. At Issue: Dry eye treatment
  16. Beaters and cutters: the underworld of the teenage girl
  17. Board certification will provide quality assessment
  18. Boomerang Wire device boasts many benefits
  19. Breast-feeding guidelines for HIV-positive mothers evaluated
  20. Breast-feeding guidelines for HIV-positive mothers evaluated
  21. Brugada syndrome: a genetic cause for sudden cardiac death
  22. CE evaluation conference stresses assessment, disclosure
  23. Cervical disc degeneration becomes higher priority in light of aging population
  24. Circumcision-for-HIV prevention trial stopped early due to clear efficacy
  25. Collagen and silicone punctum plugs produce similar results, study shows
  26. Consider systemic disease when treating ocular allergies, surgeons say
  27. Corticosteroid use for Kawasaki disease patients remains controversial
  28. Counsel your patients with diabetes on lifestyle, dietary issues
  29. Data lags while surgical biologic options for fusion used for spinal deformity grow
  30. Data suggest that technique should be used with caution
  31. Diabetes in Ontario: 69% increase since 1995
  32. Diary of an investigation in the Gulf Coast
  33. Direct marketing of vaccines to state legislators raises questions
  34. Disease ‘fingerprints’ used to track common infections in children
  35. Do not take governing board structure for granted: It can make or break a practice
  36. Doctor–patient communication critical to patient care, expectations often not met
  37. Early treatment of primary HIV infections may lower viral load set point
  38. Eculizumab reduced hemolysis and transfusions in SHEPHERD
  39. Endoscopy aids visualization and spares delay in ocular trauma surgery
  40. Estudio: Cirugía virtual de catarata puede predecir resultados ópticos
  41. Estudo: Facectomia virtual pode prever resultados visuais
  42. Evolution of NSAIDs in CME prevention
  43. Explore strabismus surgery benefits for adults
  44. FDA approves continuous glucose monitor for children
  45. FDA approves renin inhibitor aliskiren for hypertension
  46. FDA issues advisory on safety of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
  47. FDA to issue document on drug-eluting stents
  48. Femtosecond laser dominates discussion at ESCRS winter meeting
  49. Finding cause of stroke an important aspect of care
  50. Flu vaccination less common among elderly minorities
  51. Fluoroquinolones to prevent postoperative keratitis and endophthalmitis
  52. Gas forced infusion offers a solution for surge
  53. Guidelines recommend MRI in addition to mammography
  54. Heightened suspicions are an early tool for treatment of postop spinal infections
  55. High cure rates with SPECT/CT capromab pendetide-guided seed implant
  56. How to treat the whole patient with a therapeutic approach
  57. Hyperglycemia linked to cancer risk
  58. IGF-based growth hormone dosing improved growth response
  59. Immunization congress proposes solutions to vaccine financing
  60. Improved mood, improved glycemic control in depressed patients with diabetes
  61. Internet interventions engage patient, physician online
  62. Is it time for new indications for GH?
  63. Joint business ventures: Practice partnerships that you can take to the bank
  64. Keys to success with surface ablation
  65. LASIK com flap fino apresenta resultados encorajadores em grandes séries de pacientes
  66. LASIK con colgajo delgado produce resultados alentadores en grandes series de pacientes
  67. Low vision devices go high tech
  68. Managing cutaneous effects from EGF receptor inhibitors
  69. Many users of osteoporosis medications stop and restart treatment
  70. Mechanics of NSAIDs to treat CME
  71. Medical device industry is on ‘radar screen’ of fraud agencies
  72. MERLIN-36: Ranolazine safety data could lead to expanded use
  73. Miniature glaucoma implant compares favorably with trabeculectomy
  74. New administrative burdens possible for many durable medical equipment orders
  75. New formulation makes once-a-day allergy treatment possible
  76. Older patients fare well, avoid amputation after Ilizarov treatment for tibial nonunion
  77. Panel explores clinical considerations of NSAID use in surface ablation patients
  78. Paraguay declares state of emergency due to dengue fever
  79. Physician’s distortion of professional priorities may be bad for the patient
  80. Popliteal regional block anesthesia yields high success rate in foot, ankle surgery
  81. Presbyopia correction: Multifocality at odds with neurophysiology
  82. PREVAIL: Enoxaparin shown superior to unfractionated heparin
  83. Preventing endophthalmitis with stable incisions
  84. Questions remain about urgent reversal of coagulopathy
  85. Re-creation of the 1918 influenza virus: The work is beginning to pay off
  86. Research shows IOL design must evolve toward imitating natural lens
  87. Safety, efficacy data support FluMist use in younger children
  88. SECO expands educational programs, exhibit hall
  89. Software simulates postop phakic IOL position
  90. Steroid use among adolescents unchanged from 1999 to 2004
  91. Studies into conservative or decelerated rehab find it offers surprising benefits
  92. Study: AMD risk factors differ for drusen and pigmentary abnormalities
  93. Study: Contacts fit over intrastromal corneal ring segments for post-LASIK ectasia
  94. Surgical repair effective for chronic, acute cases of complete hamstring rupture
  95. Symposium
  96. Testosterone plus megestrol acetate did not increase lean body mass in people with HIV
  97. The rehabilitation renaissance: Raising results and lifting patient expectations
  98. There is a place for the two-incision approach in THA
  99. Thomas Hodgkin: 1798-1866
  100. Undesirable result possible after uneventful cataract surgery
  101. Washington Update
  102. Woman referred for swelling, irritation in right eye
  103. Worldwide polio eradication moving closer to reality