
March 01, 2007 Articles

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  1. ‘No better’ healing rates seen with BMPs over autogenous grafts for fractures
  2. “Incident” to rules violation results in false claims allegation against physician
  3. A 21-month-old boy with fever, rash
  4. Academic orthopedists: Improving the field by adding to the knowledge base
  5. Adjuvant trastuzumab in breast cancer: more questions than answers?
  6. Adult immigrants at risk for measles, mumps, rubella
  7. Advice to fellows: Anticipate where medicine is going
  8. Aggressive debridement recommended for acute infections after knee replacement
  9. AIGS consensus recommends gonioscopy in every eye exam
  10. An 18-year-old girl with brown papules
  11. Antibiotic choices for CA-MRSA infections
  12. Antihypertensive drugs linked to differential risk for diabetes
  13. Anti-VEGF drugs can aid in displacement of submacular hemorrhage
  14. AquaLase shows trend toward less foveal thickening in diabetic patients
  15. AquaLase shows trend toward less foveal thickening in diabetic patients
  16. Aspirin saved lives of patients with cancer who had myocardial infarction
  17. Avian influenza outbreaks reported in Asia and Europe
  18. Best target refraction varies with age in children with congenital cataracts
  19. Bevacizumab for myopic CNV results are encouraging
  20. Bevacizumab with FOLFOX4 improved survival, but not response in colorectal cancer
  21. Bone cement use decreasing in hand, wrist applications, rising in unique cases
  22. British surgeon-volunteers aid Pakistanis injured in devastating 2005 earthquake
  23. Canaloplasty procedure shows promise for open-angle glaucoma in European study
  24. Cases of heterosexual transmission of CA-MRSA recently reported
  25. CDC releases pandemic flu preparedness plans
  26. Challenge the status quo
  27. Communication critical in management of patients with ocular cancer
  28. Computer-assisted surgery may help avoid impingement after hip arthroplasty
  29. Conventional IOL presbyopia correction: six steps to success
  30. Cortisol excess linked with increased mortality rate
  31. Dasatinib may be effective option for pediatric leukemia
  32. Determine patients’ past, present medication use before cataract surgery
  33. Did you ever wonder … will we always treat glaucoma with pressure eye drops?
  34. Estudo mostra aumento da PIO durante levantamento de peso
  35. FDA approved test that determines risk of breast cancer recurrence
  36. FDA approves new carotid stent system, Protégé Rx
  37. FDA approves over-the-counter orlistat for weight loss
  38. Flap-related complications present challenges for surgeons
  39. Further funding needed for adolescent, adult vaccination
  40. Gender-sensitive knee design: not size
  41. Higher infection rate found with ankle arthroplasty compared to total hips, knees
  42. Hip resurfacing offers added benefits over hybrid hips in patients with osteoarthritis
  43. Hopkins raises more than $150,000 at Heartfest 2007
  44. Implant size does not affect clinical outcomes
  45. IntraLase reports net income of $12.5 million for fourth quarter of 2006
  46. Intraosseous suction and carbon dioxide gas lavage may offer better fixation
  47. Know the regional epidemiology of STDs when treating adolescent patients
  48. Las prostaglandinas son una innovación importante en el tratamiento del glaucoma
  49. Learn from active, aging patients
  50. Lentes dobráveis funcionam bem em pacientes com ceratocone
  51. LIO fáquico plegable funciona bien en pacientes con queratocono
  52. Literature review shows link between activity and CTS may be overstated
  53. Lower cutoff for impaired fasting glucose identifies those without high CVD risk
  54. Major manufacturers agree to supply 1-800 CONTACTS
  55. Many factors involved in decolonization of S. aureus
  56. Medical tourism from a European perspective
  57. Medication adherence often low in children with HIV
  58. New damage-control protocol reduced ARDS rate in polytrauma patients in India
  59. New guidelines for treating community-acquired pneumonia in adults released
  60. Nonbridging external fixation comparable to volar plating for distal radius fractures
  61. Optometry, ophthalmology groups agree on children’s vision care legislation
  62. Optometry, ophthalmology groups agree on children’s vision care legislation
  63. Orthopaedists faced unfamiliar trauma injuries after London terrorist attacks
  64. Outwardly expressed anger may predict coronary artery disease in women
  65. PAL manufacturers continue to advance technology
  66. Panel looks at immediate future for AMD treatments
  67. Part II: Best route for delivering cell therapy needs further study
  68. Part II: Expert witness 101, finding and taking the case
  69. PDE inhibitors show promise in AMD treatment
  70. Perceived discrimination can lead to higher depression rates in blacks
  71. PMMA recommended over CaP for balloon kyphoplasty for osteoporotic fractures
  72. Point/counterpoint: Intracameral antibiotics decrease endophthalmitis, but some question necessity
  73. Post-LASIK infection can threaten a patient’s sight
  74. Presbyopia-correcting surgery: What, when and where to do it
  75. Prescribe vision correction only after educating patients
  76. Presence of bleeding disorders in premenopausal women a rising concern
  77. Prostaglandinas como maior inovação no tratamento do glaucoma
  78. Range of severity of IFIS requires varied management strategies
  79. Recognize and treat von Willebrand’s disease
  80. Re-creation of the 1918 influenza virus: the work is beginning to pay off
  81. SCAI wants to ensure safety of PCI without onsite surgery
  82. Scleral lens effectively treats severe ocular surface disease
  83. Sedentary teens more likely to have higher blood pressure
  84. Solutions are available for your CVS patients
  85. Some Boston Marathon runners had evidence of cardiac injury post-race
  86. Special diabetic populations require adjusted treatment
  87. Surgeon finds a balance between beauty and healing
  88. Surgeons should choose carefully among treatments for osteochondral defects
  89. Surgical correction of recurrent patella instability: Proximal, distal or both
  90. Sympathetic ophthalmia not a thing of the past
  91. Systolic BP in childhood predicts risk for future metabolic syndrome
  92. Tamoxifen, exemestane sequence improved survival
  93. Ten orthopedists receive President's Call to Service Award for volunteer efforts
  94. Tetracaine may ease postop pain, distress
  95. The bathroom hair dryer has many uses for the new baby
  96. The rationale for pseudophakic monovision
  97. Think first about doing a THA procedure in patients with severe hip, low back pain
  98. Thyroid ultrasonography has many benefits in endocrine practice
  99. Too much of a good thing: Rationalizing scientific meetings
  100. Treatment options for clavicle fractures: When is ORIF and IM fixation indicated?
  101. Trial lawyers oppose another good idea: Expert health courts
  102. Two phase-3 microbicide studies stopped early due to safety concerns
  103. Two-year ANCHOR results favor ranibizumab over PDT in AMD
  104. Un estudio demuestra aumento de la PIO durante levantamiento de pesas
  105. Various countries offer services catering to patients traveling abroad for surgery
  106. VEGF shows promise for treating pediatric vitreoretinal diseases
  107. Visiogen raises $24 million for dual-optic IOL
  108. Visual acuity in childhood poorly predicts myopic status as adults
  109. Washington Update
  110. We need more focus on chronic coronary syndromes
  111. Woman referred for choroidal neovascularization, worsening vision
  112. Women must aggressively manage risk factors to reduce CVD risk