
December 01, 2007 Articles

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  1. ‘Chopstick’ technique aids IOL implantation in broken posterior capsule cases
  2. A 4-year-old boy with complicated pneumonia
  3. A teenage girl returning from spring break
  4. ACC/SGC release curriculum initiative focusing on geriatric cardiology
  5. Adding bulking agent to rhBMP-2 could produce a substitute for iliac crest graft
  6. Adolescents with perinatally-acquired HIV need transitional care
  7. Advances in regenerative cardiac cell therapy bode well for heart patients
  8. Agentes anti-VEGF muestran promesas en pacientes con DMRE
  9. AIDS Compendium
  10. Always ensure fair market value in transactions with the orthopedic industry
  11. ASCO breast tumor update includes guidance about use of tumor markers
  12. At Issue: The role of acupuncture in the treatment of low back pain
  13. Autonomy and Income: The decline continues for orthopedic surgeons
  14. Black box warning added to rosiglitazone label
  15. Carl Zeiss purchase of Acri.Tec AG shows new focus on IOL technology
  16. CAUSMIC: Autologous skeletal myoblasts improved NYHA class, quality of life
  17. CMS: 10.1% reduction in payments for physician services in 2008
  18. Consensus reached for treatment of infertility associated with PCOS
  19. Considerations for managing chronic preoperative inflammation
  20. Controversy about use of erythropoietin stimulants one of top 10 stories of the year
  21. CORE-64: Multidetector CTA effective alternative to coronary angiography
  22. ÐÂ×¼·Ö×Ó¼¤¹âÆ÷µÄÇÐÏ÷ËٶȺÍÑÛÔ˶¯×·×Ù¾ùÓиĽø
  23. Dermal thermometer helped detect diabetic foot ulcers in high-risk patients
  24. Diagnoses and treatment not keeping up with HIV/TB co-epidemic
  25. Diversifying, integrating key responses to managed care consolidation
  26. Early trials show new excimer laser offers improved speed, eye tracking
  27. El láser aún se mantiene como el gold estándar para el tratamiento del edema macular diabético
  28. Ethnicity influences disease risk, response, patient compliance
  29. FDA advisory panel recommends conditional approval for new zotarolimus-eluting stent
  30. Fewer women than men follow investigator career path after fellowship
  31. Fibrin glue useful in total anterior lamellar keratoplasty procedure
  32. Future success for cataract surgeons hinges on elective vision surgery
  33. Genentech responds to concerns over curtailed bevacizumab sales
  34. Glaucoma society hopes to improve low detection rate throughout India
  35. Guidelines discuss risks of erythropoietin agents; FDA strengthens warnings
  36. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the Four Corners
  37. Healing of recalcitrant long bone fractures attributed to high-dose stem cell mixture
  38. Hip resurfacing: Time for a second look
  39. Hip resurfacing: Why I do not offer it
  40. HIV subtype B may have come to the United States from Haiti in a single migration
  41. Illinois enacts childrens’ eye exam law
  42. Improved communication goal of interactive software
  43. Improvements found in patients with ischemia receiving PCI
  44. Incisionless procedure performed to correct weight gain after gastric bypass
  45. Influenza vaccine benefits extend beyond sick children to families
  46. Inspector General rejects ASC ownership for nine optometrists
  47. Laser ainda se mantém como padrão para tratamento do edema macular diabético
  48. Lung cancer treatments may not be cost-effective
  49. Managing inflammation after refractive surgery
  50. Maternal hyperglycemia associated with risk for childhood obesity
  51. Men who engage in low-impact exercise are at risk for low bone density
  52. Métodos ‘adicionais’ ajudam no tratamento de ectasia e regressão pós-LASIK
  53. Métodos ‘aditivos’ ayudan en el tratamiento de ectasia y regresión, post-LASIK
  54. Mitomycin-C can reduce corneal haze after laser refractive surgery
  55. Mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty may improve kinematics
  56. Most MRSA infections in the United States are health care-associated
  57. Mupirocin effective in short-term MRSA decolonization
  58. New corneal laser therapy stirs interest
  59. New thinking in the treatment of postoperative inflammation
  60. No added benefit seen in acupuncture added to exercise and advice protocol
  61. O agente anti-VEGF mostra-se promissor para pacientes portadores de DMRI
  62. Ophthalmologists face reimbursement cuts despite some gains in eye code payments
  63. Optometry Giving Sight asks to be your charity of choice
  64. Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2008 to feature audience and faculty interaction
  65. Patient care in the age of the EMR: Which is the cart and which the horse?
  66. Percutaneous repair of mitral regurgitation under study
  67. Peristaltic, venturi pumps vary in function, settings
  68. Phakic IOL produces ‘reassuring data’ in European study
  69. Pioneer in retina calls for a renewal of medical ethics
  70. PKIDS launches ‘Silence the Sounds of Pertussis’ campaign
  71. Prasugrel more effective than clopidogrel but associated with increased bleeding
  72. Prophylaxis of thromboembolic events in hospitalized cancer patients
  73. Ranolazine had favorable effects on HbA1c
  74. Recurrent shoulder dislocations: The truth about the misconceptions in the literature
  75. Reimbursement issues continue to plague immunization programs
  76. Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow: 1821-1902
  77. Seizing life in Paris, seizing life in your practice
  78. Sidney Farber: 1903-1973
  79. STD rates increasing in the United States
  80. Subclinical hypothyroidism linked with ischemic heart disease 20 years later
  81. Surgeon calls cisternoplasty an easy treatment for patients with dry eye
  82. Surgical options for the painful hip in young adults
  83. Survey finds LASIK losing ground as alternative procedures gain popularity
  84. Survey may fuel government interest in physician/manufacturer relationships
  85. Survey: Identifying factors to improve compliance among glaucoma patients
  86. Survey: LASIK losing ground to other emerging refractive technologies
  87. Tamper-resistant prescription pad deadline extended
  88. The changing market forces seen in 2007 will impact the future of joint care
  89. The vicious cycle of ocular surface inflammation.
  90. Thimerosal not associated with neuropsychological deficits
  91. Thimerosal not associated with neuropsychological deficits
  92. Topical anesthesia effective with 25-gauge vitrectomy
  93. Treating inflammation is crucial in preventing graft rejection and failure post-PKP
  94. Ultrasound imaging boasts cutting-edge technologies
  95. Umbilical blood–based therapy may be option for patients with hematologic disease
  96. Vibrating catheter can penetrate occlusions in blocked vessels
  97. Visual operating system offers enhanced surgical experience
  98. Washington Update
  99. Woosley aims to fix problems in the drug development process
  100. Year in Review: HPV vaccine approval a top 10 story in 2007
  101. Young man complains of blurred vision in left eye, fever and head pain
  102. Your choices now will set your course for 2008
  103. Zika virus outbreak affects 43 people on Yap Island in Micronesia
  104. 丝裂霉素-C可减少激光屈光手术后的角膜混浊
  105. 在欧洲研究中,有晶体眼IOL得出了‘令人放心的数据’
  106. 蔡司公司收购Acri.Tec AG,表现出对IOL技术的新的关注
  107. 表面麻醉可有效用于25-G玻璃体切割术
  108. 调查表明:LASIK让位于其它新兴的屈光技术
  109. 采访:年轻教授魏锐利谈他的眼眶病临床与研究