
March 01, 2005 Articles

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  1. AAO clinical research highlights contact lens wear, dry eye
  2. Advances continue in Europe in tissue engineering
  3. Ahmed glaucoma valve a safe option for refractory glaucoma
  4. Alnylam study shows RNAi therapy effective in rat model
  5. Ankle prosthesis relieves all pain in 72% of patients
  6. Arrangement between independent contractor and practice
  7. Biointegrated Pintucci keratoprosthesis provides good functional results, surgeon says
  8. BMPs may usher in era of controlled osteogenesis for spine surgery
  9. Bryan artificial disc shown to preserve neck motion at two years postop
  10. Business Briefs
  11. CAS adds precision to several types of orthopedic surgery
  12. Ceratoplastia a laser assistida por paquimetria obtém bons resultados
  13. Cirujanos de catarata comparten sus expectativas e inquietudes
  14. Cirujanos reflejan sobre la evolución de la cirugía de catarata
  15. Cirurgiões de catarata compartilham suas expectativas e preocupações
  16. Cirurgiões discutem a evolução da cirurgia de catarata
  17. CLAO international researchers share ortho-K, keratoconus study data
  18. Clinical guidelines – gentle persuasion or statutory regulation?
  19. Conjunctivitis in Latin American cities related to pollution
  20. Controversy continues about the impact of ACL reconstruction and postop rehabilitation
  21. Cost pressures lead to worst-ever nursing shortage, tough choices
  22. Costs, benefits of child vision screening depend on predictive criteria of screening tools
  23. C-reactive protein could become target of therapy
  24. Desmoteplase safely restored blood flow to brain up to nine hours after stroke onset
  25. Dexamethasone for mild croup
  26. Diode laser punctal closure an option for dry eye
  27. Effects of PDT on choroidal vessel perfusion visible on SLO
  28. Enjoy expanded scope, but remain a refractive care expert
  29. Epi-LASIK draws attention to the surface for corneal ablation
  30. Event loop recorder helps detect atrial fibrillation
  31. Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act considered a positive step
  32. High-plus reading glasses, magnifiers top list of commonly prescribed low vision devices
  33. Houston site first to use electromagnetic navigation
  34. How to integrate evidence-based medicine into clinical practice
  35. Information therapy becoming more popular
  36. Inkjet printing technology may have potential for tissue engineering
  37. Iris registration system compensates for cyclotorsion during laser eye surgery
  38. Is the excitement over CAS and MIS overblown?
  39. Keeping imaging procedures in-house: why it makes sense
  40. La queratoplastia con láser asistida con paquimetría da buenos resultados
  41. Letters to the Editor
  42. Los elementos de drenaje son un factor de riesgo para rechazo de los transplantes corneales
  43. Macugen showed efficacy by 6 weeks in treatment of AMD
  44. Managing UTI in young children: Learn what’s new
  45. Merck stands by rofecoxib recall action
  46. MIS partial TKR planned for Web cast in March
  47. Modified Akahoshi device chops nuclei up to grade 3
  48. NSAIDs can raise risk of aseptic loosening in uncemented THA
  49. NSAIDs can raise risk of aseptic loosening in uncemented total hip arthroplasty
  50. Obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome: the growing epidemic Part II
  51. OIG ruling may affect growth of orthopedic industry
  52. Panel rejected over-the-counter indication for statin
  53. Panel shares their insights on rotator cuff repair
  54. PermaVision corneal implants show good results in phase 2 trials
  55. Primary Care Optometry News New York meeting features corneal disease topics
  56. REGARDS trial challenges assumptions about Stroke Belt
  57. Significant clinical benefit of TTT seen in subset of patients in CNV trial
  58. Squalamine maintained or improved vision in phase 2 trial
  59. Stem cell research still must overcome stiff challenges
  60. Sudden onset diplopia as a late complication of Supramid implant
  61. Surgeon: Glaucoma most challenging discipline of the 21st century
  62. Surgeons question efficacy of NICE guidances
  63. Survey: Americans value medications but think drug companies put profit first
  64. U.K. agency issues guidance on LASIK surgery amid media furor
  65. U.K. panel requests closer regulation of laser eye surgery
  66. Válvulas de drenagem são fator de risco para falência de transplante de córnea
  67. Wavefront-designed spectacles and contact lenses: promising new applications
  68. Web portal speeds the diagnosis of patients with skeletal dysplasias