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December 04, 2024
3 min watch

VIDEO: Improving steroid management in rheumatoid arthritis

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WASHINGTON —Micaela F. Bayard, MD, spoke with Healio about the management of steroids and how this topic was covered at ACR Convergence 2024.

According to Bayard, a rheumatologist at Mount Sinai and assistant professor of rheumatology at The Icahn School of Medicine, the discussion surrounding steroids and rheumatoid arthritis centered on the damage patients sustain from their use. This is something well known by rheumatologists and why treatment focuses on a targeted approach to symptoms, flares and remission.

“The important discussions that happened were how do we really start to assess when we are using too much steroids, when we’re using glucocorticoids,” she said. “What are the symptoms and how do we begin to really quantify that?”