Image of nasal polyps

Nasal Polyps Video Perspectives

Healio spoke with experts in nasal polyps about diagnosis, treatment options, the latest research and more.

James “Whit” Mims, MD

Healio spoke with James “Whit” Mims, MD, associate professor of otolaryngology and pediatrics at Wake Forest School of Medicine, about nasal polyps and the spectrum of this condition.

In this video series, Mims discussed:

  • recent FDA approvals in different nasal polyp target areas;
  • agents currently in the treatment pipeline for nasal polyps;
  • common comorbid conditions associated with nasal polyps, including nonsteroidal sensitivity;
  • the impact nasal polyps can have on patient quality of life;
  • how to discuss nasal polyp treatment and management with patients;
  • the “overrepresentation” of allergic fungal sinusitis in African American boys; and
  • areas of research that require more attention.


Mims reports consulting for AstraZeneca.