Top in endocrinology: BP benefits of low-cal keto diet; tirzepatide reduces albuminuria
Researchers found that women with hypertension who followed a very low-calorie ketogenic diet had lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 6 months than those who participated in intermittent fasting or had no dietary restrictions.
They also observed that 22.2% of those on a very low-calorie ketogenic diet stopped using hypertensive drugs at 6 months.

“Given the critical role of diet in managing and potentially preventing CVDs, further rigorous randomized controlled trials on broader populations are recommended to validate and expand on our findings,” Giuliano Tocci, MD, PhD, associate professor in the hypertension unit, division of cardiology at University of Rome Sapienza and Sant’Andrea Hospital in Italy, and colleagues wrote.
It was the top story in endocrinology last week.
In another top story, a post hoc analysis of the SURPASS trials revealed that adults with type 2 diabetes who received tirzepatide had significantly greater reductions in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio vs. those who received comparators such as placebo or another therapy.
Read these and more top stories in endocrinology below:
Very low-calorie ketogenic diet tied to greater BP reduction than intermittent fasting
Women with hypertension who followed a very low-calorie ketogenic diet had greater reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure than those who engaged in intermittent fasting, researchers reported. Read more.
Tirzepatide reduces albuminuria among adults with type 2 diabetes in SURPASS trials
Adults with type 2 diabetes receiving tirzepatide had significantly greater declines in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio than those receiving comparators such as placebo or another therapy, researchers reported. Read more.
No significant change seen in obesity rate for US adults from 2013 to 2023
The percentage of U.S. adults with obesity did not significantly rise from 2013 to 2023, although a small uptick in the rate of obesity was seen for children and adolescents, according to data published in JAMA. Read more.
Automated insulin delivery lowers HbA1c, improves time in range in type 2 diabetes
Adults with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes had a significant HbA1c decline at 13 weeks with use of the Omnipod 5 automated insulin delivery system, according to findings from the SECURE-T2D trial. Read more.
FDA approves subcutaneous Merilog for glycemic control in diabetes
The FDA has approved the first rapid-acting biosimilar insulin product for glycemic control in people with diabetes. Read more.