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August 02, 2023
1 min read

Top in endocrinology: Weight loss in Mounjaro trials; access to gender-confirming care

Two different trials showed that adults with obesity lost an average of 26% of their body weight with either intensive lifestyle intervention followed by 72 weeks of Mounjaro or 88 weeks of continuous Mounjaro use.

"The results of SURMOUNT-3 and -4 showed the highest level of weight loss observed in the SURMOUNT program to date," Jeff Emmick, MD, PhD, senior vice president of product development for Eli Lilly, said in a press release.

Scale and tape measure
Two different trials showed that adults with obesity lost an average of 26% of their body weight with either intensive lifestyle intervention followed by 72 weeks of tirzepatide or 88 weeks of continuous tirzepatide use. Image source: Adobe Stock

It was the top story in endocrinology last week.

The second top story was about U.S. youths’ lack of access to gender-confirming care following government restrictions enacted over the last 2 years. More than 25% of youths in the U.S. live more than 4 hours from a gender-confirming care clinic.

Read these and more top stories in endocrinology below:

26% weight loss seen with tirzepatide in long-term SURMOUNT-3, SURMOUNT-4 trials

Adults with obesity who used Mounjaro (tirzepatide, Eli Lilly) for 72 weeks after lifestyle intervention or continuously for 88 weeks achieved a mean weight loss of 26%, according to topline results from two SURMOUNT trials. Read more.

Half of US youths lack nearby access to gender-confirming care due to state restrictions

Government-enacted restrictions have resulted in about half of U.S. children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years living more than 1 hour from a clinic offering gender-confirming care, according to a research letter published in JAMA. Read more.

Exposure to more air pollution may increase incident fracture risk among older adults

Middle-aged and older adults who live in areas with greater air pollution may have a higher risk for incident fractures, according to a study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Read more.

Most adults with acromegaly achieve normal IGF-I levels with long-acting pasireotide

More than half of adults with acromegaly receiving the somatostatin receptor ligand pasireotide achieved normal insulin-like growth factor I levels, according to data from a long-term real-world study. Read more.

Genetic aspects of pituitary tumors: A conversation with Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc

Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP, uncovered a passion for endocrinology from a series of inspirational lectures during her medical training. Read more.