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August 08, 2022
4 min read

Q&A: Sports physicals 'are a great opportunity' to offer COVID-19 vaccination

Misinformation and disruptions in care during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to troubling trends in vaccine uptake among children in the United States, according to Sterling Ransone Jr., MD, FAAFP, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Recent data showed that vaccination coverage among kindergarteners in the U.S. dropped from 95% to lower than 94% during the 2020 to 2021 school year.


Vaccination rates have also declined globally. UNICEF estimated that 25 million children are un- or under-vaccinated, an increase of 2 million from 2020 and 6 million from 2019.

In terms of COVID-19 vaccination, rates for children aged younger than 5 years have peaked and began decreasing “just weeks into their eligibility,” according to a Kaiser Family Foundation article.

Healio spoke with Ransone to learn more about the decline in immunization rates among children and how primary care physicians can help their patients overcome vaccine hesitancy.

Healio: What is contributing to the decline in COVID-19 vaccination rates for children aged younger than 5 years?

Ransone: Misinformation about COVID-19 is prevalent and seriously jeopardizes the health of children. It can undermine safety, put communities at risk and potentially cause patients to forgo vaccinations, rather than follow the guidance of trusted scientists and medical experts. This is true not just for COVID-19 vaccines, but for routine childhood immunizations, too.

With constant updates, it can be easy for incorrect facts and misinformation to spread. Family physicians who are embedded in patients’ communities should talk with people to ensure the information they receive comes from credible sources, such as the CDC, the WHO or local and state public health officials.

Healio: Why are so many children behind on other routine immunizations? Which immunizations are particularly low in the United States, and why?

Ransone: With the new academic year fast approaching, I am concerned immunization rates are steadily dropping. Reports showed vaccination coverage for kindergartners dropped across the country in the 2020 to 2021 school year, and over the last 2 years, the CDC saw a more than 10% drop from pre-pandemic levels in states’ orders for Vaccines for Children, the federal program through which about half the children in the country are immunized.

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with misinformation, has prevented people from getting protected against severe public health threats, including routine immunizations like the flu shot, or childhood vaccines like diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. It’s deeply concerning to see outbreaks of polio and measles, diseases that have largely been eliminated in the U.S., thanks to vaccines. That’s why it’s critical for parents to seek information from a trusted source, like their family physician, to make the best decisions about their child's health.

Healio: What precautions should parents take this year to protect their kids as they go back to school?

Ransone: It’s important for parents to make sure kids are up to date on their vaccines before heading back to school. They should talk with their family physician or primary care doctor about what vaccines are recommended for their child’s age and grade. Because young children are still developing their immune systems, and different vaccines are given at different ages, it’s important for parents to keep their kids’ vaccinations up to date to prevent disease or boost immunity that may fade over time.

Remember: vaccines help keep kids in school and more safely participate in activities and sports by curbing community spread and disruptions to in-person learning. This continuity helps improve children’s quality of life and their social and emotional development. Additionally, vaccinating children can help protect more vulnerable family members. This includes infant siblings who may be too young to get vaccinated, family members who can’t get the vaccine because of a health issue, and family members who may have an increased risk of getting sick if they are infected. Talk to your family physician. We’re here to answer questions and to help kids overcome their fear of shots.

Healio: Do you have any tips for incorporating COVID-19 vaccination into medical visits, like sports physicals, for the upcoming year?

Ransone: For family doctors, talking about the importance of getting vaccinated is not a new thing. We’ve been counseling our patients on recommended immunizations for years. Sports physicals or routine medical visits are a great opportunity to ask patients if they are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccine or other routine immunizations. Having your child vaccinated for COVID-19 can help keep your child and others healthy and allow them to stay connected to friends, classmates and activities.

Healio: How can PCPs help their patients overcome vaccine hesitancy?

Ransone: Because of our ongoing, comprehensive relationships with patients and their families, family physicians and primary care physicians are well positioned to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children, as well as other routine immunizations, to keep everyone safe and healthy.

We play an important role in ensuring all members of the community have access to the COVID-19 vaccine, flu vaccine and other routine immunizations that prevent dangerous diseases. Recent data show 46% of Americans are more likely to get vaccinated if the COVID-19 vaccine was offered to them at a place they normally go for health care, including their family physician.

Healio: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Ransone: I want to reiterate a few main points. The first is that vaccines are safe, effective and save lives.

As we approach back to school season, it’s critical for parents to make sure kids are up to date on their vaccines, including COVID-19. Additionally, having your child vaccinated for COVID-19 can help keep your child and others healthy and allow them to stay connected to friends, classmates and activities. And third, family physicians are a trusted source of information for their patients and local communities. We’re here to help our patients and their families get vaccinated and answer any questions.
