Top in cardiology: COVID-19 mortality in patients with HF, cardiac rehab program
New data showed that in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-19 was nearly twice as high in those with a history of heart failure than those without it. A report on the data was the top story in cardiology last week.
Another top story was about the efficacy of a cardiac rehab program that focused on diet, exercise and weight loss. Researchers reported that patients with resistant hypertension who participated in the 4-month program had greater reductions in BP compared with patients who participated in a single education session.

Read these and more top stories in cardiology below:
In-hospital mortality risk high among patients with HF hospitalized with COVID-19
Among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, in-hospital mortality risk was more substantial among those with heart failure history, according to new data published in Circulation: Heart Failure. Read more.
Structured lifestyle program for resistant hypertension improves BP, multiple biomarkers
A 4-month cardiac rehab program for treatment-resistant hypertension focused on diet, exercise and weight loss conferred greater improvement in both in-office and 24-hour ambulatory BP compared with a single educational session. Read more.
Favorable CV health in middle age may lower lifetime risk for type 2 diabetes
New findings published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology highlighted the importance of favorable cardiovascular health among middle-aged individuals to prevent type 2 diabetes regardless of genetic disposition. Read more.
SGLT2 inhibitors superior to GLP-1 receptor agonists for some CV outcomes
In a population-based cohort study, patients with diabetes taking an SGLT2 inhibitor had lower risk for hospitalization for heart failure compared with those taking a GLP-1 receptor agonist, researchers reported. Read more.
Assessment of Lp(a) role in all atherogenic lipoproteins possible with existing assays
Utilizing commercially available assays, researchers demonstrated the feasibility of evaluating the contribution of lipoprotein(a) to all atherogenic lipoproteins at the National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions. Read more.