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Resistant Hypertension

Ace the Case

Ace the Case: A 38-Year-Old Man With Resistant Hypertension

Ace the Case: A 38-Year-Old Man With Resistant Hypertension
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August 31, 2024
5 min read

A single combination pill can improve blood pressure control, reduce polypharmacy

A single combination pill can improve blood pressure control, reduce polypharmacy

A polypill containing multiple blood pressure-lowering drugs may be an effective solution to addressing both uncontrolled hypertension and polypharmacy causing non-adherence to antihypertensive medications, speakers reported.

May 07, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Small interfering RNA holds promise for cardiovascular care

VIDEO: Small interfering RNA holds promise for cardiovascular care

BOSTON —Small interfering RNA technology has the potential to become a novel treatment approach in cardiovascular medicine, according to Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc, MACP, MACC, FAHA, FHFSA.

May 07, 2024
4 min read

Important updates in cardiology from Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc

Important updates in cardiology from Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc

BOSTON — A “laundry list of new trials” in cardiovascular medicine has led to “a decided portfolio of new ways of thinking, new interventions and a new potential to modify the natural history of CVD,” an expert said.

March 20, 2024
1 min read

FDA approves aprocitentan for treatment of hypertension in adults with uncontrolled BP

FDA approves aprocitentan for treatment of hypertension in adults with uncontrolled BP

Idorsia announced that the FDA has approved aprocitentan, its antihypertensive drug, for treatment of hypertension in combination with other drugs in patients whose BP is not adequately controlled on other drugs.

January 29, 2024
2 min read

Radiofrequency renal denervation cost-effective for uncontrolled hypertension

Radiofrequency renal denervation cost-effective for uncontrolled hypertension

Researchers reported that radiofrequency renal denervation is estimated to be cost-effective for uncontrolled hypertension despite multiple antihypertensive medications, at 13,482 British pounds per quality-adjusted life-years gained.

December 15, 2023
3 min read

Ferdinand: New agents, devices ‘not enough’ to address hypertension care disparities

Ferdinand: New agents, devices ‘not enough’ to address hypertension care disparities

Promising new devices and emerging drug classes may improve BP control for some patients with difficult-to-treat hypertension, but clinicians must first address the structural inequities that impact access to care, according to a speaker.

December 13, 2023
4 min read

Resistant, refractory hypertension are not alike; new ‘hope’ for treating uncontrolled BP

Resistant, refractory hypertension are not alike; new ‘hope’ for treating uncontrolled BP

A speaker reported that improved differentiation of resistant vs. refractory hypertension is essential in choosing optimal antihypertensive treatment, as the two represent different disease states of elevated blood pressure.

November 02, 2023
2 min read

Post-hoc analysis supports association of BMI, reduced blood pressure with lorundrostat

Post-hoc analysis supports association of BMI, reduced blood pressure with lorundrostat

PHILADELPHIA — Obesity-associated dysregulated aldosterone is an endotype predictive of response to lorundrostat for patients with uncontrolled or treatment-resistant hypertension, according to data presented at ASN Kidney Week.

September 19, 2023
4 min read

Resistant hypertension: Why won’t my BP go down?

Resistant hypertension: Why won’t my BP go down?

The patient is a 48-year-old man who presents to establish care with your practice. He has no specific symptoms to address. He recently moved to the area.

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