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November 30, 2022
3 min watch

‘No one should be dying’ of HCV with currently available diagnostics, treatment

WASHINGTON — In this video, John Ward, MD, director of the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination at the CDC Taskforce for Global Health, discusses successes and challenges in hepatitis elimination at The Liver Meeting.

Ward focused on curative therapies for HCV, which he says have fallen dramatically in price over the past several years and cure more than 90% of patients.

“It’s really a remarkable medicine we have in our hands, and our challenge is getting it into people’s mouths and systems so they’re cured,” he said.

Ward also stressed the importance of closing the gap between making an HCV diagnosis and providing care. “No one should be dying of hepatitis C in the United States — and really in any country — with the safe, highly effective, readily given drug that can be guided by these diagnostic tests,” he said.