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October 24, 2021
3 min watch

In Health Equity, the award goes to ...

This award goes to a physician who has made meaningful change to overcome the social determinants of health in gastroenterology. The awardee is seen as a model of how identifying and addressing social determinants of health can better patient care.

There is little talk of health equity in gastroenterology without the mention of Sophie BalzoraMD, FACG.

Balzora, along with 10 colleagues, founded the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists amid the public recognition of inequity and injustice faced by Black Americans in 2020. Serving as its president, Balzora works tirelessly to address the issues faced by Black physicians not only in GI and hepatology but throughout the United States.

In addition, her clinical research and focus is on colorectal screening and prevention, especially in communities of color that are disproportionately affected by this preventable disease.

Thank you, Dr. Balzora, for your leadership, clinical care and energy.