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October 15, 2021
1 min read

Budesonide tablets effectively increase esophageal distensibility in EoE

During induction, budesonide tablets were effective in increasing esophageal distensibility in eosinophilic esophagitis and was further improved during maintenance therapy, according to a presenter at UEG Week.

Perspective from Claire Beveridge, MD

“A 6-week treatment with budesonide orodispersible tablets 1mg was highly effective to increase the esophageal distensibility compared to placebo in adult patients with active eosinophilic esophagitis,” Alfredo J. Lucendo, MD, PhD, from the department of gastroenterology, General Hospital of Tomelloso, Spain, said during his presentation. “The esophageal distensibility further improved during the maintenance of therapy under both budesonide 0.5 and 1 mg tablets even twice daily. In contrast, it reduced significantly among patients who receive placebo and presented recurrence of activity in EoE.”

Budesonide tablets were effective in increasing esophageal distensibility during both the induction and maintenance therapy. Source: Adobe Stock

In the EOS-1 trial, Lucendo and colleagues randomly assigned 88 adults with active EoE to 6 weeks of treatment with a budesonide orodispersible tablet formulation (BOT; n = 59) or to placebo twice daily (n = 29). In the EOS-2 trial, 204 adult EoE patients with clinic-histological remission were randomly assigned to 48 weeks of treatment with BOT 1 mg twice daily (n = 68), BOT 0.5 mg twice daily (n = 68) or placebo twice daily (n = 68).

At six specialized centers, the Endoluminal Functional Lumen Imaging Probe technology was used to measure esophageal distensibility in 22 EOS-1 patients and 38 EOS-2 patients at baseline and end-of-treatment endoscopy.

Results showed distensibility increased from baseline in patients who underwent a 6-week induction of remission treatment with BOT 1 mg twice daily vs. placebo (P = .004). Lucendo noted during the 48-week maintenance of remission treatment, the esophageal distensibility further increased with BOT 1 mg twice daily and BOT 0.5 mg twice daily compared with changes noted with placebo (P = .021).

“Budesonide tablets are an effective therapy to stop and also revert the fibrostenotic remodeling process in adult patients with eosinophilic esophagitis,” Lucendo said.