World IBD Day: 10 recent advances in Crohn’s and colitis research
Tomorrow is World IBD Day. Coordinated by the European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) and taking place on May 19 each year, this global initiative aims to raise awareness of inflammatory bowel disease, which affects an estimated 10 million people worldwide, according to the organization's website.
To contribute to these efforts, the editors of Healio Gastroenterology and Liver Disease have compiled 10 highlights of recent advances in the understanding and treatment of IBD.
1. Less frequent colon cancer screening may be safe in some IBD patients
Researchers found that patients with IBD and no additional high-risk factors who had consecutive negative colonoscopies carried a very low risk for developing advanced colorectal neoplasia, and longer surveillance intervals may therefore be justified. Read more
2. Heart disease risk in IBD tied to chronic inflammation
Patients with IBD show a higher risk for acute myocardial infarction and heart failure, although they do not show an increased prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, according to new research. Read more
3. Drinking sweetened beverages does not appear to increase IBD risk
While previous studies have linked consumption of sweetened beverages to inflammation and immune-mediated disorders, new research showed no evidence that it increases the risk for developing IBD. Read more
4. Half of Crohn’s patients with perianal fistula relapse after quitting anti-TNF
More than half of patients with perianal fistulizing Crohn’s disease relapsed within 5 years of stopping anti-TNF therapy, according to new research. Read more
5. Mitochondrial DNA triggers immune response in patients with IBD
An immune response to mitochondrial DNA that leaks into the blood stream from the gut could be an underlying cause of IBD, according to new research. Read more
6. Endoscopic monitoring key in ‘treat-to-target’ approach for IBD
Using a treat-to-target approach for managing IBD can be an important tool for improving both short- and long-term outcomes, according to a presenter at the Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit. Read more
7. IBD prognosis must be considered to optimize therapy, expert says
Recognizing potential disease severity rather than exclusively focusing on current symptoms will be key in the future treatment of patients with IBD, according to another presenter at the Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit. Read more
8. Obesity linked to biologics failure in UC
Patients with ulcerative colitis who have a higher BMI are at an increased risk for failing biologic therapy, regardless of the dosing regimen, according to new research. Read more
9. IBD, Parkinson's link suggests anti-TNF may be protective
Patients with IBD showed a significantly higher risk for developing Parkinson’s disease, but early treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy appeared protective, according to new research. Read more
10. Early data warrants human studies of cannabinoids for IBD
Many preclinical studies have shown cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory effects in the gut, which warrants further research that could lead to the development of new therapies for IBD, according to new research. Read more