September 29, 2017
12 min read

Support, self-promotion key for women in gastroenterology to advance

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While women are still underrepresented in procedurally-based subspecialties such as gastroenterology and hepatology, their numbers are slowly increasing and more women are entering key leadership roles.

Helen S. Te
Monica A. Konerman, MD
Monica A. Konerman

“Gastroenterology has been a male-dominated field, with only 16% of actively practicing gastroenterologists being female,” Helen S. Te, MD, FAASLD, FAST, AGAF, medical director at the Adult Liver Transplantation Center for Liver Diseases, University of Chicago Medicine, told “Consequently, leadership positions in the national gastroenterological societies have therefore been held mostly by men. However, this year’s leadership of all four national gastroenterological societies is a testament to the progress made by women gastroenterologists. It is as if the stars aligned to create a historical event — the four major American societies in gastroenterology are each led by a woman gastroenterologist!”

Te referred to the appointments of Ana Lok, MD, as president of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases; Carol Burke, MD, FACG, as president of the American College of Gastroenterology; Sheila Crowe, MD, AGAF, as president of the American Gastroenterological Association; and Karen L. Woods, MD, FASGE, as president of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

Regarding barriers for women in gastroenterology and hepatology, Monica A. Konerman, MD, MSc, from the University of Michigan, told that, “Women in these specialties often face additional barriers related to perceptions about procedural acumen compared to male counterparts.”

Te echoed this remark, adding that in her experience there is a pervasive culture in which the doctor-nurse relationship is seen as a man-woman relationship and that female doctors are often given less assistance and respect than the male colleagues. “Women are often overlooked or held to higher standards when it comes to career advancement or leadership positions,” Te said. “The path to leadership starts within, with women needing to gain confidence in their abilities and to be willing to take calculated risks where they have a good chance of winning, even if it is not a sure win.”

Te and Konerman both advised that women need to promote themselves, support other women, and that it is critical that women in medicine identify mentors and coaches who can acknowledge and support them in facilitating career development.

“In terms of identifying a mentor,” Konerman said, “I would evaluate what roles a potential mentor is currently playing and assess if this is the eventual goal of the mentee. It is critical to identify more senior women who are supportive of other women and are willing and interested in serving as a coach and mentor.”


Konerman concluded that while there are many challenges that women in general and younger women entering the field face, working in a supportive and resource-rich environment is key to navigating through the daunting promotion process and, ultimately, in achieving important leadership roles.

“Slow progress has been made, and the gradual increase in women gastroenterologist leaders coincides with a gradual increase of women in the pipeline, with women comprising one third of gastroenterology fellows these days,” Te said. “If we women do not help each other, we will never be able to achieve gender equity within our profession and within society.”

‘Lead from where you stand’

Women in medicine need to amplify one another, find their “posse,” request coaches and sponsors and craft their own legacy statements, according to an expert speaking during an AMA webinar in honor of Women in Medicine Month.

“Lead from where you stand, whether it be pediatricians addressing vaccination or emergency medicine physicians talking about disaster preparedness in a hurricane. Speak about the health impact of an issue,” Vineet Arora, MD, MAPP, from the University of Chicago said during the webinar. “Use your voice to promote medical truth. ... Celebrate the medical heroes among us.”

Arora kicked off the webinar by asking, where are the women in medicine who are leading? Though roughly half of applicants to medical school are women, only one in five women make full professor and just 16% rise to the level of dean of a medical school, she explained. This “leaky pipeline” fails women in medicine at that level, but that does not mean women in medicine are invisible or not leading. One-third of associate deans are women, but we do not hear about them, Arora said. Citing Julie K. Silver, MD, Arora discussed how even in medical press or lay press covering medicine, women are still missing.

Silver went on to show that women are underrepresented in benchmark areas of academia such as award recipients of medical societies. The American Academy of Dermatology, Arora said, touts nearly half of practicing physicians as being women as well as faculty, yet one of their prestigious awards has only been given to women 8.3% of the time. In invitations to grand rounds, women are less likely to give those at other institutions and are less likely to be named visiting professors, Arora showed.


Coaches, sponsors

Arora attributed at least some of this to a discomfort among women – even women physicians – with self-promotion. In many cases, a physician must be sponsored for recognition like grand rounds and association awards and, in many cases, the best way to get that sponsorship is to ask for it.

“Many of us can find mentors in our workspace. It’s harder to find coaches and sponsors,” she said. “A coach is short-term interaction to help with targeted feedback and problem-solving. ... You need a sponsor too ... use their influence in their field to support their mentee to gain visibility.”

Coaches can help women work through job negotiations and sponsors can put names forward for Grand Rounds or society awards.

And once there, once recognized by an institution, women must also recognize the passive ways their roles can be minimized, Arora said. Specifically, she showed data in which women are introduced as “doctor” less often than their male peers. Though women introducers were on parity between the sexes, men introducing women called them doctor only 50% of the time while they did so for men being introduced 72% of the time.

“This could be a more subtle form of bias and you might think it’s not much,” Arora said. But it adds to the image of a doctor as a man. “Women are not perceived of not only as doctors but as leaders. ... We will see bias and we need to stand up in defense of our colleagues.”

Maternal, internal discrimination

Arora showed that this is compounded by “maternal discrimination” in the workplace where four out of five physician women reported discrimination and one-third reported discrimination based on being a mother. Pay discordance, consideration for promotion, disrespect by support staff and exclusion from administrative decisions were all heavily impacted by maternal discrimination, she showed. Additionally, women who reported maternal discrimination had 74% higher rate of burnout.

Lastly, Arora pointed to internal threats to women’s success – stereotype threat, the likeability penalty and imposter syndrome as well as women not supporting one another through Queen Bee syndrome – can further reinforce the lack of visible women leadership in medicine.

She cited medical school observation data where men scored 1.5 levels higher than women, which is equivalent to 4 months of additional training. The only correlation being the difference in sex, leading the researchers to hypothesize that this could be due to stereotype threat. Other research looking at critiques of medical residents’ performance showed mixed messages to women addressing their levels of confidence, assertiveness and aggressiveness.


Even the women quoted in her presentation, Arora said, often responded to her with statements playing down their leadership roles, yet they all very much lead from where they stand.

“The truth is that we are and we have to accept that and fight the internal voice in our head and go out and lead,” Arora said. “We all have to overcome this to lead.”

Amplification of women voices

She suggested women take on a role of amplification for one another. If each woman consistently gives credit to other women for the strides they’ve made, the research they’ve done or the stance they’ve taken, that amplification will be heard and cuts off the chance for someone else to take the credit. Instead, women are often seen to be each other’s worst enemies, with women bullies directing much of their antagonism toward other women.

“We have enough battles to fight that we have to work together and here’s this genius strategy we can operate on,” Arora said. “It’s important we step out from hiding and say, ‘I’m here and I’m ready to lead.’”

And, to do so, Arora says to women in medicine: “Find your posse.”

She belongs to Physician Moms, a Facebook group for physicians who are also mothers, and she said, “Social media has made it easier to find your posse.” These women along with those in the workplace and women in societies can act as a sounding board for physicians, allowing for confirmation and amplification of women in medicine.

Each woman in medicine should craft her own legacy statement, stand by it and find her support system to make it happen, Arora concluded. In this, you should create your image as a leader and set the goals that you want to achieve.

“This legacy statement centers you to think about what’s your compelling future and inspires you to change your present,” she said. “Think about your legacy because you are writing it every day.” has covered women in medicine for decades in various forms and these themes recur time and again. See the articles below for how things have changed and how women in medicine continue to fight similar battles to their predecessors. – by Katrina Altersitz and Talitha Bennett

Editor's note: This article was updated with a corrected comment from Dr. Te.



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