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September 19, 2017
1 min read

Same Focused Gastroenterology Content, Increased Inclusion of Liver Disease

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Edward V. Loftus Jr.
Nancy S. Reau

Since the launch of Healio Gastroenterology in 2015, there was always coverage of important hepatology-related data, meetings and features. As you’ll notice, we are further recognizing the publication’s commitment to hepatology within our pages with a name change.

Healio Gastroenterology and Liver Disease will now reflect what you, the readers, look at each month. The content will remain peer-tested in that the most read, most popular items on – both in the Gastroenterology news and the Hepatology news – will appear on the print pages.

Since 2014, our sister publication HCV Next has led the field in content specific to hepatitis C, some of which crossed over to the pages of Healio Gastroenterology as both publications grew. With the emergence of a cure for HCV, we have invited many key opinion leaders to join our new efforts here at Healio Gastroenterology and Liver Disease. You will see leaders in the hepatology field included in our Peer Perspective Board. Just as they continue to expand their focus beyond HCV to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis B, drug-induced liver injury and other liver diseases, we hope to mirror that with this publication.

When we signed on to further help lead this publication in the role of Co-Chief Medical Editors, we noted the lack of representation for the hepatology community on the cover and in the title. We welcome this change and your insight into how we move forward to bring you the information you need most in your day-to-day practices.

We will continue to learn from one another and bring you the best peer-tested content each month. Please give us your thoughts and join the conversation with @HealioGastro and @HealioHep.