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May 09, 2017
2 min watch

VIDEO: Endoscopic bariatric therapies help GIs actively manage obesity

CHICAGO — In this exclusive video, Barham K. Abu Dayyeh, MD, MPH, a gastroenterologist and director of metabolic and bariatric endoscopy at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., discusses the emerging role of endoscopic and metabolic bariatric therapies in treating patients with obesity, on which he gave several talks at Digestive Disease Week.

“It’s time for [gastroenterologists] to assume an active [role] in managing this epidemic with a combination of devices that we can deploy through the endoscope and different pharmacotherapies for this disorder,” he said.


Abu Dayyeh, et al. Sp710. Presented at: Digestive Disease Week; May 6-9, 2017; Chicago.

Disclosures: Abu Dayyeh reports financial relationships Apollo EndoSurgery, Aspire Bariatrics, Metamodix, GI Dynamics, and Olympus.