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May 07, 2017
3 min watch

VIDEO: DDW Council Chair optimistic about gender, minority diversity in GI

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CHICAGO — In this exclusive video from Digestive Disease Week, Grace H. Elta, MD, Chair of the DDW Council and faculty member at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, discusses a meeting organized by the AGA Committee for Gender and Diversity, which focused on gender and minority inequities in gastroenterology and medicine in general.

Elta focused on three current inequities, including fewer numbers of women and minorities in the field, inequities in advancement in practices and academia, and pay inequality. Other speakers in the meeting presented on solutions to these inequities, and Elta said the outlook for the future is bright.

“I’ve been a faculty member now for 35 years, and I’ve been coming to DDW for 37 years, and there’s already been tremendous change,” she said. “I’m really optimistic that things are improving for both underrepresented minorities and for women.”

Disclosures: Elta reports financial relationships with Merritt Medical and Olympus Medical.