Issue: June 2015
June 24, 2015
1 min read

FMT Moves Mainstream, Hurdles Lie Ahead

Issue: June 2015

With ever-increasing data becoming available on the benefits and limitations of fecal microbiota transplant, it was a hot topic at this year’s Digestive Disease Week.

In this month’s cover story, leading researchers in the field of FMT discuss how far the treatment has come for C. difficile, how much more research is needed in other areas such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease and the regulatory conflicts that have arisen thus far.

The debate points to a unique need in the gastroenterology community to define this treatment and hone in on the best uses for various treatments. As Zain Kassam, MD, MPH, said, “Right now, we’re killing a mosquito with an atomic bomb.”

FMT and other cutting-edge gastroenterology treatments such as the intragastric balloon were highlighted at this year’s Digestive Disease Week meeting. There was a multitude of research presented by the four societies and Healio Gastroenterology sought to bring you a new perspective with our live, onsite Twitter coverage. You can see our most engaging Tweets and get an update on our Twitter challenge winner.

Then, please follow us on Twitter @HealioGastro as we continue to engage with you with our daily coverage. Please also visit us online at to offer your own viewpoints on FMT and the latest data presented at DDW, the International Liver Congress and SAGES.

Your interactions with our content online will continue to shape our print content. As long as our readers keep talking, we’ll keep listening with every headline we write.

The Editors
Healio Gastroenterology