Tumor Boards

Metastatic breast cancer

Clinical Progress and Treatment History

  • December 2008: Liver biopsy shows ER+ 100%, PR+ 100%, HER-2-Neu 3+ by IHC
  • December 2008-May 2009: paclitaxel/bevacizumab
  • May 2009-August 2009: capecitabine/bevacizumab
  • September 2009-November 2011: letrozole, disease progression
    • Biopsy shows ER+ 90%, PR+ 90% and HER-2-Neu 3+ by IHC
  • November 2011-April 2013: fulvestrant/trastuzumab; trastuzumab held in January 2013 due to decline in EF, disease progression
  • May 2013-October 2013: paclitaxel/lapatinib; paclitaxel stopped due to neuropathy
  • October 2013-January 2014: anastrozole/lapatinib
  • February 2014-January 2015: trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1)
  • January 2015-March 2015: docetaxel/trastuzumab/pertuzumab (CLEOPATRA)
  • March 2015-August 2015: eribulin/trastuzumab/pertuzumab
  • August 2015-February 2016: trastuzumab (after optimal response)
  • February 2016-October 2016: vinorelbine/trastuzumab/pertuzumab
  • October 2016-December 2016: gemcitabine/trastuzumab/pertuzumab
    • Liver biopsy shows ER 1+/40%, PR-, HER-2-Neu nonamplified
    • Specimen sent for genomic panel testing (December 2016)
    • Consideration for clinical trials, including ASCO TAPUR
  • January 2017-March 2017: carboplatin
  • March 2017-June 2017: doxorubicin liposomal
  • August 2017-November 2017: pembrolizumab (received two cycles, but ultimately removed from therapy after persistent abnormal LFTs)

*Therapy change due to disease progression unless otherwise noted.