Genomic Medicine in Clinical Practice: Era of Personalized Medicine
  • 1. Consideration for genomic testing depends on which of the following factors? Select all that apply.
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  • 2. A melanoma patient diagnosed at Stage IIB is not considered a candidate for routine genomic testing?
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  • 3. A patient with Stage IV pharyngeal cancer is about to begin standard treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Before starting his platinum-based regimen, genomic testing should be performed because predictive markers may help determine response.
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  • 4. All of the following factors may be considered when choosing a genomic testing strategy for a newly diagnosed patient, except for:
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  • 5. List the following genomic assays in order of increasing complexity: (A) targeted hot-spot sequencing (B) companion diagnostics (C) comprehensive genomic profiling.
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  • 6. Specimen requirements should not be reviewed when choosing a commercial genomic testing platform.
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  • 7. Tissue biopsies remain the gold standard source of tumor material for genomic testing.
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  • 8. Some of the challenges that may be faced when interpreting a genomic report include which of the following:
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  • 9. The importance of precision medicine in the future of healthcare has been acknowledged by the U.S. government through recently implemented research and funding initiatives.
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