Introduction to Liquid Biopsies
  • 1. Blood contains two types of cancer-derived materials, circulating tumor cells and cell-free circulating tumor DNA, both of which are susceptible to detailed molecular analysis.
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  • 2. For which of the following clinical applications can liquid biopsies be used?
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  • 3. One of the largest studies investigating cancer mutations in liquid biopsies demonstrated that liquid biopsies identified cancer mutations in 85% of all advanced tumors, and in nearly half of all cases, the biomarkers were associated with an approved targeted drug.
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  • 4. Studies have failed to demonstrate that liquid biopsies can detect resistant mutations, such as the T790M mutation found in patients with lung cancer who are progressing on EGFR inhibitor therapy.
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  • 5. Most studies have demonstrated high concordance rates (eg, > 80%) between tumor and liquid biopsy for detection of cancer mutations.
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  • 6. Which of the following is not a challenge or limitation to the use of liquid biopsies?
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  • 7. Which of the following statements is not true? Liquid biopsies:
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  • 8. The cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2 (Roche) was the first liquid biopsy test approved by the FDA.
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