
September 05, 2017 Articles

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  1. Cardiology Today's top 5 articles posted in August
  2. Abstinence-only programs do not delay sexual initiation, prevent STIs
  3. Akcea, Ionis file NDA for familial chylomicronemia syndrome drug
  4. Benefits from intensive systolic BP control may outweigh CKD risks
  5. Bioventus receives FDA approval for hyaluronic acid injectable knee OA product
  6. BLOG: Whose bag is it?
  7. BMI does not impact knee range of motion, gait speed after TKA
  8. Colonoscopy, FIT outreach boosts colon cancer screening
  9. Company stops Zika vaccine trials after BARDA ends funding
  10. Comparable timing of return to sport between pitchers with vs without revision UCLR
  11. Early Repolarization ECG Review
  12. Eight important updates in prostate cancer
  13. Experts issue recommendations for reducing antibiotic use in livestock
  14. FDA grants orphan drug designation to ATA230 for cytomegalovirus
  15. FDA grants rare pediatric disease designation to GBT440 for sickle cell disease
  16. FDA places clinical hold on trials of UCART123 for blood cancers
  17. Harvey pushes dialysis staff to the edge
  18. HCC rates vary by race in US, highest among Asian-Pacific Islanders
  19. Intensive BP control reduces mortality risk in chronic kidney disease
  20. Interventions in adulthood can improve binocular vision disorders
  21. JAK inhibitors for hair loss receive US patents
  22. Majority of patients able to measure own IOP in study
  23. Maternal cell phone use does not impact child development
  24. MrOS: Vertebral fracture rates comparable in people with, without diabetes
  25. National Suicide Prevention Week begins, fight against suicide continues
  26. Nightstar to register for IPO
  27. Novel rapid tests improve influenza diagnosis
  28. Obesity increases risk for chronic kidney disease, but not in diabetes
  29. Over time, bleeding risk conferred by ticagrelor drops in prior MI
  30. Physician reminders significantly increase colorectal cancer screenings
  31. Providers must be vigilant for postpartum suicide risk
  32. PSA screening reduces prostate cancer mortality
  33. Psoriasis duration may increase cardiovascular comorbidities
  34. PUBLICATION EXCLUSIVE: Big data analysis can benefit ophthalmic practice and bump up the bottom line
  35. Rheumatic Heart Disease
  36. Self-expanding transcatheter pulmonary valve feasible at 6 months
  37. SLE disease activity is low during pregnancy, but higher after 6 months postpartum
  38. Sleep deprivation linked to NAFLD, serum aminotransferase levels
  39. Substance use more common in high school dropouts
  40. suPAR shown to be predictor of kidney damage in children
  41. Surgical scrubs embedded with antimicrobials do not reduce contamination in ICUs
  42. Task force reaffirms recommendation for at least one vision screening in children
  43. Toe pressure predicts outcomes after revascularization in CLI
  44. Trump budget cuts threaten antimicrobial stewardship
  45. Usher syndrome candidate receives orphan drug designation
  46. USPSTF recommends screening for lazy eye in children aged 3 to 5 years
  47. VIDEO: Posterior spinal fusion and correction of Scheuermann kyphosis
  48. White children twice as likely to receive unnecessary antibiotics in ED