
March 06, 2017 Articles

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  1. ‘New era’ of presbyopic IOLs brings reduced glare, better vision
  2. EFORT Open Reviews: A round-up of recently published articles
  3. A few books, a mentor and a clear sense of purpose can help forge a practice’s path to success
  4. AAD installs new vice president, board members
  5. ACL reconstruction seen as cost-effective for competitive athletes with acute tears
  6. Acute liver injury rare in first year of ART
  7. Addition of ublituximab to ibrutinib improves response in high-risk CLL
  8. Adherence to dietary recommendations linked to small improvement in weight, CHD risk factors
  9. Anakinra does not lessen fatigue severity in women with chronic fatigue syndrome
  10. Anaphylactic events in schools more common in classrooms than cafeterias
  11. Asthma, anaphylactic emergencies indistinguishable by smartphone voice assistants
  12. Back calculation helps identify causes of residual astigmatism
  13. Barrett's esophagus recurrence unlikely after endoscopic eradication with reflux control
  14. Benefits seen with microincision cataract vitrectomy
  15. Business education gives a boost to clinical practice
  16. Cancer susceptibility mutations common in colorectal cancer
  17. Chronic pain after lower limb total joint replacement is an increasing challenge
  18. Cigarette smoking linked to synchronous colorectal cancers
  19. Cimzia demonstrates efficacy at 16 weeks as psoriasis treatment
  20. Cleveland Clinic set to open ‘revolutionary’ cancer center
  21. Complicated congenital heart disease yields worse outcomes after catheter ablation
  22. Didactic sessions enhance school personnel's food allergy knowledge
  23. Elbasvir/grazoprevir effective against HCV in those with blood disorders
  24. Epidermal graft harvesting effective alternative treatment for vitiligo
  25. Estrogen for postmenopausal osteoporosis reduces periodontitis risk
  26. Expert: Physicians have ‘long way to go’ in CLI management
  27. FDA lifts clinical hold on trials of vadastuximab talirine for AML
  28. First dedicated coronary bifurcation stent receives FDA approval
  29. Give me that old time religion
  30. HCV curable in setting of HCC, transplant patients may defer
  31. High-fiber diet linked to lower incidence of F. nucleatum–positive colorectal cancer
  32. Impaired bone accrual more likely in children with cystic fibrosis
  33. Intensive lifestyle intervention yields greater weight loss than metformin in Latinas with prediabetes
  34. Is an MBA necessary for every ophthalmologist?
  35. J&J: Acuvue Oasys 1-day for astigmatism covers most toric needs
  36. Link between vancomycin and HORV illuminated
  37. Lung cancer screening rates remain low among current, former smokers
  38. Middle-age man experiences unilateral sudden-onset vision loss
  39. Multi-imaging distinguishes choroidal neovascularization types
  40. National Network of Depression Centers partners with APA on registry
  41. Not all pediatric allergy clinic referrals lead to allergy diagnosis
  42. NSAIDs increase mortality risk from type 1 endometrial cancer
  43. Online epinephrine autoinjector costs vary significantly
  44. Opioid use remains concerning among buprenorphine users
  45. Preloaded tissue for DSEK saves time, reduces stress
  46. Protein signature in mucus reveals infection status
  47. PUBLICATION EXCLUSIVE: Achieving refractive accuracy in cataract surgery
  48. Quintet of techniques optimizes glued IOL surgery
  49. Reduced IOP with CyPass plus phaco maintained at 2 years
  50. Researchers examine mole changes through skin cancer screening program data
  51. Researchers offer consensus on ketamine for mood disorders
  52. Restarting oral anticoagulation after intracerebral hemorrhage linked to decreased mortality risk
  53. Revision hip arthroplasty and infection in shoulder arthroplasty: What do the experts know?
  54. Scientific program of the 18th EFORT Congress in Vienna: Everything you want to know
  55. Sports activities at the 18th EFORT Congress: All about the spine
  56. Sports-related concussions linked to transient cardiovascular dysfunction
  57. Standardized dosing needed for thyroid hormone extract
  58. Study finds preoperative hip ROM not significantly affected by induction of general anesthesia
  59. Study: Erosions more frequent in corneal than scleral patch grafts
  60. Study: Lower-diopter toric IOLs produce good visual acuity results
  61. Subclinical, vascular inflammation predict distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy
  62. Trabeculectomy successfully used as primary treatment in glaucoma patients
  63. Two surgical methods effective for late in-the-bag IOL dislocation
  64. UNICEF launches Request for Proposal for point-of-care Zika test
  65. Useful flaps for orthopaedic surgeons: Review of the 2017 EFORT Anatomical Course
  66. VIDEO: Débridement - First step in treating herpes simplex keratitis
  67. VIPES extension shows continued peanut tolerance in children
  68. When will eye drops stop rolling down our faces?
  69. WHO reports Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria