
July 20, 2015 Articles

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  1. Analysis: Lucentis may be more cost-effective than Eylea for DME
  2. Anti-drug antibodies may predict response to TNF inhibitors in patients with RA
  3. ASCO issues recommendations for the inclusion of older adults in clinical trials
  4. Bariatric surgery linked with lower BMD, bone mineral content
  5. Bath salts not commonly used by teens in the US
  6. BLOG: Blue light symposium clarifies opportunities for optometry
  7. CMS proposes LTC facilities establish antimicrobial stewardship programs; IDSA supports requirement
  8. Cognitive impairment in older adults after CV procedures may be uncommon
  9. CXCL10, CXCL13 may act as biomarkers for adult-onset Still’s disease
  10. Cytopenia associated with ocular damage in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome
  11. Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services receives Cedars-Sinai grant to care for traumatized youth immigrants
  12. Electrocardiogram screening may help predict kidney disease patients’ risk of dying from heart disease
  13. Evidence-based psychosocial interventions not being used in current practice
  14. FDA approves iDesign Advanced WaveScan Studio System for LASIK procedures
  15. FDA grants orphan drug designation to melphalan for cholangiocarcinoma
  16. Golden Ratio still a useful tool for surgical reconstruction or augmentation
  17. Heart fat volume related to menopausal status
  18. High fat mass in newborns increases risk for atopic dermatitis
  19. House passes 21st Century Cures Act
  20. Insurance, income predict use of preventive services among adults
  21. ISNT, IST rules of 'little benefit' in detecting early glaucoma with OCT
  22. Kidney disease increases risk of pregnancy complications
  23. Kt/V still useful for measuring dialysis adequacy, according to review
  24. Low-glycemic index, conventional healthy diet yield similar pregnancy outcomes
  25. Many pregnant women fail to receive Tdap vaccination
  26. Metatarsus adductus increases risk of hallux valgus deformity
  27. Microbiome therapeutics developer announces public offering to fund C. diff, IBS candidates
  28. Most recreational water-based outbreaks caused by Cryptosporidium
  29. My Doctor is Dr Pepper
  30. Neuromuscular scoliosis more complex, difficult to treat than idiopathic scoliosis
  31. Older patients may have more in-hospital mortality after traumatic spinal cord injuries
  32. PCP intervention can improve smoking cessation following lung cancer screening
  33. Potential new therapy for HDV shows efficacy in proof-of-concept study
  34. Pyron Award lecture focuses on optogenetics as vision restoration strategy
  35. Radiographs, stability dictate management of craniocervical junction injuries
  36. Rectal gonorrhea, chlamydia do not influence transmission of HIV
  37. Slicer score appears to be useful tool after HCC resection
  38. Smoking after lung cancer diagnosis reduces survival
  39. Speaker reports proximal junctional kyphosis can affect postoperative C2-7 SVA
  40. Speaker sees greater indications in the future for lateral lumbar approaches
  41. Spine surgeons need to learn adapt to outpatient spine surgeries
  42. Stryker announces agreement to acquire Muka Metal
  43. Study questions methylprednisolone use for treatment of patients with traumatic SCIs
  44. Subpopulations found to be at greater risk for VTE after lumbar vertebral fracture
  45. Substance use, mental health improves among homeless following Housing First intervention
  46. Sudden cardiac arrest burden greater in blacks than whites
  47. SVF clinical outcomes depend on isolation method and system applied
  48. Tailored spinal cord stimulation system improved outcomes, pain relief
  49. Taxing sugary drinks based on calorie amounts may encourage healthier choices
  50. TDF2 OLE: High PrEP adherence results in zero infections
  51. Top 5 aesthetics stories from July
  52. Total laryngectomy may be underused in advanced larynx cancer
  53. Treatment may progress faster after MIS for symptomatic metastatic spine disease
  54. TTE appears viable for managing low-risk S. aureus bacteremia
  55. Unsedated transnasal endoscopy effective, lower-cost for monitoring pediatric EoE
  56. Uric acid may improve outcomes after ischemic stroke in women
  57. Using Roth IRAs for college savings
  58. Valeant to acquire Amoun Pharmaceutical
  59. VIDEO: Beginner tips for wavefront guided aberrometry
  60. Waiting room parental training films improve child cognition
  61. What are melanoma symptoms?
  62. Women with ICP found to have increased risk for CVD, liver cancer
  63. Women's facial treatment preferences appear to be tied to age
  64. Xeljanz, Pradaxa studies most-read dermatology articles of week
  65. Young, active patients likely return to active duty sooner after surgery for Achilles tendon ruptures