
August 01, 2014 Articles

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  1. 8-year-old girl with annular, pink plaques on the feet
  2. A 54-year-old woman with bilateral hydronephrosis
  3. A neonate presents with swollen left eye, discharge
  4. Achievement of target LDL particle number leads to fewer CV events
  5. Additional law firms investigate Galectin over potential liver drug
  6. Allergan files lawsuit against Valeant, Pershing Square for federal securities violations
  7. Alphaeon acquires nutrition company PRN
  8. Antifungal therapy may alter epidemiology of invasive mold infections
  9. Appropriate care, proper coding can maximize reimbursement
  10. Artemisinin resistance spreading through Southeast Asia
  11. Asthma twice as likely in black children as whites in 10-year span
  12. AstraZeneca to purchase rights to Almirall's respiratory franchise
  13. BLOG: Managing associate optometrists in your practice, part 4
  14. Caffeine may lead to more bothersome vasomotor symptoms
  15. Cancer trials: Lies, damned lies and statistics
  16. Carefully delegate your office’s social media efforts
  17. Case report: Blunt trauma results in anterior, posterior injuries
  18. Cataract surgeon describes early experience with transzonular delivery of medication
  19. Challenging cases may necessitate placement of IOL in ciliary sulcus
  20. Chikungunya awareness needed as disease hits the US
  21. Co-existence of BRAF V600E, TERT promoter mutations predict recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer
  22. Combination fosfomycin/imipenem shows promise as rescue therapy for MRSA
  23. Combination treatment no more effective than anesthetic alone for spinal stenosis
  24. Combination treatment no more effective than anesthetic alone for spinal stenosis
  25. Contact lens-assisted cross-linking treats corneal ectatic disorders in thin corneas
  26. Corneal, epithelial layer thicknesses return to baseline values after cataract surgery
  27. Customer service, patient education important to emerging RLE market
  28. Digoxin in HF: The debate continues
  29. Dry eye specialists should be on the lookout for ‘zebras’ in the summer
  30. Ebola spreads to Nigeria, prompts international response
  31. Ebola, measles, polio: We have met the enemy, and he is us
  32. ECG monitors superior for detecting AF in patients with cryptogenic stroke
  33. Epidural steroid injections associated with a low complication rate
  34. Epidural steroid injections associated with a low complication rate
  35. Experts debate implications of relaxed BP target for high-risk patients
  36. FDA allows open access to adverse drug reaction database
  37. FDA approves Empagliflozin tablets for patients with type 2 diabetes
  38. FDA approves Lumizyme to treat infantile-onset Pompe disease
  39. FDA panel votes against ablation ultrasound treatment for prostate cancer
  40. Femtosecond astigmatic keratotomy before LASIK can be beneficial
  41. Femtosecond laser continues to make inroads in cataract surgery
  42. Fewer ranibizumab injections given in real-world scenarios than in clinical trials
  43. Franz H. Messerli, MD: A leading authority on hypertension management
  44. Genomic navigators key to proper interpretation of sequencing data
  45. Gonorrhea: Treatment and prevention of the sexually transmitted superbug
  46. Good results of refractive surgery with early femtosecond laser hold strong today
  47. Guidance issued on prevention of VAP
  48. Guideline update addresses CV evaluation, management for patients undergoing noncardiac surgery
  49. Gut microbiota may impact chemotherapy- or radiation- induced gastrointestinal mucositis
  50. High-dose estrogen birth control may increase breast cancer risk
  51. Higher peak, final IOP portends progression in average-pressure glaucoma
  52. High-risk donor status did not affect pediatric heart transplant outcomes
  53. Hospital readmissions present a complex, costly issue for US cardiologists
  54. How cardiologists are paid
  55. How do surgeons approach enhancements in refractive surgery patients?
  56. Humanitarian optometry missions should build capacity, not dependency
  57. Iluvien receives marketing approval in Denmark for chronic DME
  58. In-office test for Sjögren’s syndrome involves OD in systemic care
  59. Insurance companies now allow Georgia providers to deliver ‘direct eye care’
  60. Investing in the future for our children’s well-being
  61. Is the premium surgeon still the captain of the ship?
  62. Kala initiates phase 2 trials for RVO, DME treatment
  63. Late-breaking trials, first report investigations announced for TCT
  64. Liver, kidney transplantation drug receives authorization in Europe
  65. Looking at an unusual case of hypercalcemia
  66. Make board, maintenance of certification programs transparent
  67. Manufacturers may face issues, concerns under Physician Payments Sunshine Act, Part 2
  68. Midlife alcohol abuse increases memory impairment later in life
  69. Mindfulness meditation improved quality of life in adolescents with cancer
  70. Minor complications more common in young patients after knee arthroscopy
  71. Multibiomarker risk score identified Barrett's esophagus more accurately than previous methods
  72. Mycoplasma genitalium: A pelvic inflammatory disease pathogen that needs attention
  73. Mycoplasma genitalium: A pelvic inflammatory disease pathogen that needs attention
  74. Novel device enables precise, centered continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis
  75. ODs should take the lead in protecting the public against blue light
  76. Ophthalmology Futures introduces new topics and ‘Shark Tank’ program
  77. Optimal VTE prophylaxis hinges on type of orthopedic surgery
  78. Oral contraceptive use had no beneficial, harmful effect in patients with long QT syndrome
  79. OWL launches initiatives for new Mission, Vision and Values
  80. Patient with type 2 diabetes presents with mild unilateral retinopathy
  81. Peanut allergy prevalence in US children continues to rise
  82. Pregnancy-related listeriosis in Israel may be linked to epidemic clones
  83. Program benefited PCPs treating adolescent depression
  84. Quality care for CSHCN encourages shift in focus among health care industry
  85. Radiofrequency therapy for sacroiliac pain delivers inconsistent results
  86. Radiofrequency therapy for sacroiliac pain delivers inconsistent results
  87. Results demonstrate ‘ongoing need for improvement’ in gastric cancer treatment
  88. Review of antiviral agents for treatment of pediatric HSV infection
  89. Review of antiviral agents for treatment of pediatric HSV infection
  90. Routine scan flags GCC and focal, global loss volumes
  91. Rutgers director receives award
  92. Screening identifies gene mutation frequency in female genital-tract melanomas
  93. Self-love is the cornerstone of resiliency
  94. Senate subcommittee examines new pricing policies for contact lenses
  95. SSRI escitalopram did not affect bone metabolism in middle-aged women
  96. St. Jude announces CEO appointment
  97. Study finds strong correlation between chorioretinal folds, systemic disease
  98. Subconjunctival lidocaine may reduce endophthalmitis rate after intravitreal injection
  99. Surgeon details scleral tunnel and glue technique for secondary posterior chamber IOL fixation
  100. Survey: Femtosecond laser continues integration into premium cataract sector
  101. Targeted teaching improves junior doctors' management of fractures
  102. Targeting tumor necrosis factor-alpha may effectively control TEN
  103. Telehealth technology may be key to adequate screening of patients with diabetes
  104. Telephone-based program helpful for caregivers of those with dementia
  105. Testosterone treatment patterns, risks spark passionate debate among experts
  106. To collaborate or not: This is the question
  107. Transradial approach to PCI, diagnostic angiography brings favorable costs, improved quality of life
  108. Trial Scorecard: ARIC
  109. Trial Scorecard: BtB
  110. Trial Scorecard: CHINA-PEACE
  111. Trial Scorecard: GARY
  112. Trial Scorecard: IQ-CATEGORIZE
  113. Trial Scorecard: KEEPS
  114. Trial Scorecard: MrOS
  115. Trial Scorecard: OACIS
  116. Trial Scorecard: PRIPITENA
  117. Trial Scorecard: SLIMM-T2D
  118. Trial Scorecard: STICH
  119. Trial Scorecard: SWAN
  120. Trial Scorecard: Tele-HF
  121. Trial Scorecard: TESLA
  122. Trial Scorecard: TRANSFER-AMI
  123. Trial Scorecard: VIRGO
  124. Ultrasound biomicroscopy an important diagnostic tool for anterior portion of posterior segment
  125. Use UBM to detect potential malignancies in your office
  126. Vermont, Kansas pass managed care plan legislation
  127. Woman presents with subacute diplopia, conjunctival injection and periorbital edema
  128. Woman reports acute painless vision loss in left eye
  129. Work group passes epidural steroid injection consensus in response to FDA warning
  130. Workforce study results may indicate opportunities for optometry