
June 26, 2013 Articles

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  1. 2012-2013 influenza season deemed moderately severe
  2. Adalimumab, infliximab similarly effective in Crohn’s disease patients naive to prior anti-TNF-a therapy
  3. Adlens, American Diabetes Association team up
  4. Anti-VEGF for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy improves visual acuity up to 2 years
  5. ASGE names 2013-2014 governing board, president
  6. Azoospermic men face higher cancer risk
  7. Combined vitrectomy, cataract surgery with toric IOL treats idiopathic epiretinal membrane
  8. Dabigatran performed as well as warfarin in treating AF
  9. DAPT reduced stroke rate in patients with minor stroke, TIA
  10. Eczema prevalence remained stable from infancy through adolescence in Danish cohort
  11. Genetics comparable to other CAD risk factors in HIV
  12. Glaucoma implant with scleral buckling effective for glaucoma, retinal detachment
  13. Healio Minute Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Edition: Hypoglycemia admissions rising, workers accept mandatory flu vaccines, obesity hurts odds of coronary angioplasty
  14. HF patients more likely to receive cancer diagnosis
  15. Hospitalized patients not receiving all VTE prophylaxis doses
  16. LASIK with optimized ablation profile corrects mixed astigmatism
  17. Local infiltration analgesia plus adductor canal block improves ambulation after TKA
  18. MERS outbreak continues in Saudi Arabia
  19. Meta-analysis linked NAFLD, vitamin D deficiency
  20. Mortality rate greater among young white males than females with melanoma
  21. Nurse-led programs effective for patients to self-manage RA
  22. Obesity management in the clinic: Look beyond BMI
  23. One-fifth of adolescents suffered TBI
  24. ORIGIN: Cancer incidence, mortality rates unaffected by insulin glargine
  25. Posterior iliac crest yields higher concentration of mesenchymal stem cells
  26. Rubella incidence in Japan on the rise
  27. Speaker addresses labeling problems for orthopedic ‘never events’
  28. Study: Diabetic retinopathy patients remain under-educated on condition
  29. Targeting younger populations may decrease annual influenza transmission cycle
  30. U.S. Renal Care to acquire Ambulatory Services of America
  31. USPSTF recommends HCV testing for high-risk adults, baby boomers