May 11, 2012 Articles
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- ‘Chemo brain’ linked to neurobiological mechanism
- A 34-year-old female with extranodal marginal zone lymphoma
- Addition of investigational platelet blocker to standard therapy reduced cardiovascular death, ischemic events
- Anxiety about twice more prevalent than depression among adults with arthritis
- Aspirin intake may increase chances of developing early and wet late AMD
- Behind the Lab Door
- Corticosteroid delivered via iontophoresis offers novel treatment
- CT findings support syndesmotic screw removal for reduction of tibiofibular joint
- DSM-5 reduces substance abuse diagnosis to unidimensional condition
- FDA Advisory Committee votes in favor of four-drug preventive HIV tablet
- Frequency-domain OCT may offer details about progression of glaucoma
- Gene fluctuation predicted thyroid disease in premature babies
- Hepatitis C a risk factor for necrotizing fasciitis
- Higher nasopharyngeal LDH levels linked to less severe bronchiolitis
- Hip arthroscopy specialist advanced continuity of care for steeplechase riders
- IAPB to honor African optometrist at general assembly
- ICDs need not sideline competitive athletes
- Internal malignancy, loss of MMR protein expression associated with sebaceous neoplasms
- Load-bearing activity increased bone mass, helped prevent osteoporosis in young men
- MI patients initially taken to PCI hospitals received faster treatment
- More than half of cancers may be preventable using existing resources
- Norovirus gastroenteritis may lead to post-infectious IBS
- Novel dry AMD treatment found safe, tolerable in phase 1b study
- OSN Retina 150
- Pandemic flu caused less illness, fewer hospitalizations than predicted
- Patient presents with severe visual dysfunction and striking unilateral retinal appearance
- PET/CT scans, using bone tracer, reflected ankylosing spondylitis
- Phase 3 study of once-daily NSAID meets primary, secondary endpoints
- Proposed passive immunization is designed to be given to patients prior to revision total joint replacement
- Radiation oncologists not always included in treatment-related decision making for breast cancer
- Repeating trinucleotide associated with ability to predict Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy
- Retina research homes in on underlying disease pathology
- Retrograde CTO approach boosted success rates
- Salvage liver transplantation viable option for some patients with recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after liver resection
- Secondhand smoke exposure in utero may lead to poor asthma control
- Side effects and bone health in a 53-year-old male on ADT
- Speedy eaters at risk for type 2 diabetes
- Spine surgeons can safely perform anterior lumbar surgery without access surgeons
- Study finds integrin peptide therapy may treat vascular eye diseases
- Survey: Majority of patients would opt for higher-risk, higher-reward treatment
- Traffic pollutant exposure, obesity in older adults associated with poor asthma control
- ulrich medical USA releases expandable spinal implant for US market
- Voyage to EHR, Day 6