September 26, 2011 Articles
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- ABB Concise, Compulink team up
- Anemia: A prevalent condition among patients with cancer
- Everolimus, exemestane improved outcomes in HT-resistant breast cancer
- FDA clears nonmydriatic retinal camera
- Groups opposed to proposed 18% cut in Medicare payments for specialists
- Hardware removal rate following femur fracture fixation could depend upon gender, age
- Higher safety results found in PCI vs. CABG
- How to deal with less than perfect surgical results
- Increased PSA, benign prostate hyperplasia predicted cancer incidence
- Iridex gets exclusive licensing rights to intellectual property of Ocunetics
- Lack of ACL scoring system use among surgeons raises transparency questions
- Manipulation under anaesthesia shows increased ROM in total knee replacement
- New lenses address symptoms related to colorblindness, dyslexia
- Non-keratoconic steep corneas observed in patients with posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
- Optos to acquire Opko Health
- RTOG 0126: IMRT reduced late bowel, rectal toxicity by 26%
- Short-course hypofractionation noninferior to conventional IMRT
- Smith & Nephew introduces VERSAJET II surgical wound care device
- Universal hepatitis B vaccine produced far-reaching effects
- Vmax refractor now caters to night vision needs