
April 01, 2010 Articles

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  1. ‘Conflict of interest’ outdated phrase for physician-industry relationship
  2. 12-year-olds more likely to use deadly inhalants than cigarettes or marijuana
  3. 16-year-old with lacerations to the eye
  4. 17-year-old patient with fever and rash
  5. AAP provides recommendations for pediatric organ donation, transplantation
  6. ACCORD: No reduction in CV events with intensive BP, lipid therapies
  7. AF associated with various forms of dementia
  8. AMA launches new tool to help physicians correct unfair managed care contracts
  9. AOM: Guideline use and antibiotic choice differ among clinicians
  10. Articular cartilage regeneration: Current status and future opportunities
  11. Avian influenza: An unfinished story
  12. Beware of new trends in professional negligence litigation
  13. Children who eat school-purchased lunches more likely to be overweight, obese
  14. CKD prevalence high among people with undiagnosed diabetes, prediabetes
  15. Climate changes may alter pollen counts
  16. CMS instructs carriers to hold claims for 10 business days to avoid 21% payment cut
  17. CMS instructs carriers to hold claims for 10 business days to avoid 21% payment cut
  18. Como tratar as complicações da catarata traumática
  19. Cómo tratar las complicaciones de la catarata traumática
  20. Comparing the HPV vaccines
  21. Comparing the HPV vaccines
  22. Complex Care is Complicated!
  23. Contemporary risk models accurately predicted 30-day periprocedural PCI mortality
  24. Cotreating children receiving ART for TB may reduce viral suppression
  25. Court of Special Masters again rejects thimerosal-autism link
  26. CREST
  27. CSPS II
  28. Current research for rhinovirus interventions remains sparse
  29. Dose preparation procedures may help explain IOP fluctuations after anti-VEGF injections
  30. Endothelial keratoplasty challenges the primacy of full-thickness transplantation
  31. Ethosuximide named most effective treatment for childhood epilepsy
  32. Factores biológicos y ambientales: el siguiente paso para la determinación del riesgo de glaucoma por pseudoexfoliación
  33. Folate levels related to pediatric asthma
  34. Following standardized TJA processes leads to better quality care, study finds
  35. Fourier-domain OCT valuable for detecting abnormalities after retinal reattachment
  36. From one room, ophthalmologist builds eye hospital network
  37. Gender-specific sizing for knee implants: Do the data confirm the need?
  38. Gene linked to allergic inflammatory diseases
  39. HAART decreased viral load in pregnant women
  40. Handheld corneal hydrometer provides accurate measurement of refractive index
  41. Heat stroke is preventable through careful observation, ability for immediate cooling
  42. Highlights of the ACC 59th Annual Scientific Sessions
  44. ICTUS-L
  45. IDSA steps up commitment to 10 new antibiotics by 2020
  46. Immunotherapy as prevention for asthma remains debatable
  47. Intravitreal bevacizumab holds promise for treating neovascular glaucoma
  49. Jon A. Kobashigawa, MD, is a pioneer in heart transplantation
  50. Keep asking us the tough questions
  51. Keratoplasty procedure preserves host Descemet’s membrane
  52. Latest generation excimer laser safely corrects myopia and myopic astigmatism
  53. Lessons learned from response to H1N1 pandemic
  54. Lipid-lowering therapy in ischemic stroke: Underappreciated and underutilized
  55. Look to teaching to enhance your practice
  56. Managing Dysglycemia in Cardiovascular Disease: Preventing Future Events
  57. Massachusetts health care reform viewed as a model for national plan
  58. Maternal use of HAART may cause multidrug resistance in breast-feeding infants
  59. Medications that worsen renal function in diabetes
  60. More work required to prevent and successfully treat periprosthetic infection
  61. Mothers may prevent development of food allergies in children
  62. New ‘Get Smart for Healthcare’ program aims to improve antimicrobial stewardship
  63. New microwave procedure promising for treatment of keratoconus, related refractive error
  64. New video technology can challenge, help patients
  65. Nonpathogen-specific intervention strategies decreased MRSA–associated infections
  66. ODs incorporate novel glaucoma drug delivery system into practice
  67. Off-label use of recombinant IGF-I for growth promotion: Is it warranted?
  68. One week post cataract surgery: use data to calculate second eye
  69. Os fatores ambientais e biológicos são a próxima etapa na determinação do risco de glaucoma pseudoexfoliativo
  70. Pandemic H1N1 caused severe disease in pregnant women
  71. Panel endorses preparticipation sports physicals for every child
  72. Paradigm Spine completes enrollment in clinical study
  73. Pediatric asthma management remains challenging for physicians
  74. Perioperative anticoagulation strategies for pacemakers or ICDs
  75. Physician work hours dropped in last decade
  76. Pre-existing diabetes increased postoperative mortality risk for patients with cancer
  77. Pre-existing diabetes increased postoperative mortality risk for patients with cancer
  78. Premium IOL implantation presents steep challenges and ample rewards
  79. Preoperative chemotherapy did not significantly increase OS in NSCLC
  80. Proposed legislation would update W.Va. optometric law
  81. Prostaglandin treatment for early glaucoma in clinical practice maintains cost, slows progression
  82. Radiação epimacular, a terapia antiVEGF pode ajudar a preencher as lacunas do tratamento existente
  83. Radiación epimacular, la terapia anti-VEGF puede ayudar a cubrir la falta de tratamientos de la actualidad
  84. REDUCE: Dutasteride reduced risk for prostate cancer in men at high risk
  85. Reduced-fluence PDT improved vision in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy cases
  86. Reproductive issues present ongoing challenges for HIV clinicians
  87. Respiratory synctial virus epidemiology patterns remain stable
  88. San Diego measles outbreak highlights consequences of intentional undervaccination
  89. Screening for infant hearing loss increased in the United States
  90. Second board certification program for optometry announced
  91. Serodiscordant couples present new challenges
  92. Shape-fit cutting guides for total knee replacement lower operating time, raise patient satisfaction
  93. Similar results seen with arthroscopic vs. open repair of traumatic anterior shoulder instability
  94. Small study shows potential of dual-optic IOL
  95. Spine surgeon sees good prospects for eventual use of stem cells in fusion surgery
  96. Stem cells are a potential treatment for disc degeneration, spine surgeon says
  97. Stem cells’ source, differentiation potential and potency impact their use in the spine
  98. Stress during pregnancy may alter child's immune system
  99. Study finds escitalopram can help improve cognitive function after stroke
  100. Study suggests that MS may be caused by Epstein-Barr virus
  101. Surgeons may find superior outcomes using orthobiologics for difficult fractures
  102. Tear menisci decreased 1 month after LASIK but recovered at 20 months
  103. The 2010-2011 influenza vaccine and related matters
  104. The Fifth Decennial Conference: Some reflections
  105. The Massachusetts health care reform experience: What you need to know
  106. Thymus gland and ectopic inferior parathyroid adenomas
  107. Tort reform and the Senate: Buying political influence
  108. Trabeculectomy rates decline, other glaucoma procedures on the rise
  109. Transition to EHR a common goal for OD practices
  110. Treating femoral fractures with intramedullary rods is safe but tricky
  111. U.S. asthma prevalence increased from 2000 to 2008
  112. What is the optimal blood pressure target for patients with diabetes?
  113. What is the optimal blood pressure target for patients with diabetes?
  114. What is your opinion of nevirapine as a way to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV?
  115. WHO releases new malaria guidelines
  116. WHO: Metabolic syndrome not a useful diagnostic tool
  117. Would you support routine ECG screening for young competitive athletes?
  118. アポダイズ非球面多焦点IOLは眼鏡依存度を低下させ、患者の満足度を高める
  119. トーリックIOLは安全かつ有効な乱視矯正法である