
December 01, 2010 Articles

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  1. ‘Tis the season to celebrate compassion: The reason we became surgeons
  2. A fotocoagulação a laser permanece uma opção para o edema macular diabético
  3. A técnica de retalho escleral lamelar rotacional é útil para extravasamento da bolha
  4. AACE issues statement on physician payments for educational activities
  5. AACR: Few women finished HPV vaccine regimen
  6. AAP revisions to monoclonal antibody dosage explained
  7. Ability to gain muscular strength in children, adolescents increased with age
  8. ABO releases exam content outline
  9. ACE inhibitor-related coughing shown substantially higher than labeling indicates
  10. ACIP delays vote on hepatitis B virus vaccine for diabetes
  11. ACIP delays vote on hepatitis B virus vaccine for diabetes
  12. ACIP proposed updates to pertussis vaccination recommendations
  13. ACIP recommends adding booster dose to meningococcal vaccination
  14. ACIP recommends adding booster dose to meningococcal vaccination
  15. Active surveillance associated with increased quality-adjusted life years in low-risk prostate cancer
  16. Adults, younger patients with congenital heart disease had similar catheter ablation IART outcomes
  17. ADVANCE: Experimental LVAD comparable to approved bridge-to-transplant devices
  18. AMA delegates meet to discuss health care reform
  19. AMA establishes new principles for accountable care organizations
  20. Ankle arthrodesis restores function after treatment of osteoarthritis, study finds
  21. Anterior iliac crest bone graft harvesting results in minimal morbidity
  22. Anterior segment OCT offers advantages for conjunctival imaging before, after cauterization
  23. Antibiotic-use, immunocompromised conditions increased risk for C. difficile in children
  24. AOM microbiology has changed since PCV7 use
  25. Artesunate bested quinine in African children with severe malaria
  26. Association reports AOA-PAC played key role in mid-term election
  27. Avoid over-prescription of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections
  28. Barbershop-based BP monitoring improved hypertension control rate
  29. Bardoxolone methyl improved kidney function in patients with type 2 diabetes
  30. Bariatric surgery use climbing, especially in white adolescent girls
  31. Basic principles apply to treating periprosthetic tibia fractures
  32. Biomaterial utilizes body’s innate ability to heal damaged CV tissue
  33. Bivalent poliovirus vaccine induced more immunity than trivalent vaccine
  34. Bivalent poliovirus vaccine induced more immunity than trivalent vaccine
  35. C. difficile vaccine gets fast-track designation
  36. CARDIoGRAM study to expand knowledge on the role of genetic variation in CAD
  37. Cataract surgery not apparent risk factor for retinal detachment in highly myopic eyes, study finds
  38. CDC calls for better screening efforts in US patients with HIV, TB
  39. CDC calls for better screening efforts in US patients with HIV, TB
  40. CDC officials want physicians to ‘Get Smart’ about antibiotic use
  41. CDC: Vaccination rates in US adults low
  42. Change and improvements coming to Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2011
  43. Children should not miss school due to lice infestation
  44. Children with pre-existing conditions more likely to die of H1N1 infection
  45. Clinicians must continue to stress importance of vaccines, herd immunity
  46. Clomiphene citrate improved testosterone levels in hypogonadal, overweight men
  47. Clopidogrel unaffected by CYP2C19 loss-of-function alleles in patients with ACS, AF
  48. CMV retinitis, AIDS co-infection still a significant cause of morbidity, mortality
  49. Cognitive impairment may be more likely in patients who survive sepsis
  50. Combination emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate provided partial protection against HIV in MSM
  51. Combination emtricitabine/tenofovir provided partial protection against HIV
  52. Combined endoscopy, surgical staging had best sensitivity for operable NSCLC
  53. Complication risks reported in CRT replacement surgeries
  54. Consensus statement calls for more beta cell research in type 2 diabetes
  55. Consensus statement identifies appropriate patients for continuous glucose monitoring
  56. Consider entire patient when diagnosing, treating UTI
  57. Cooks may not have increased risk of uveal melanoma, study finds
  58. Culturally competent care: Address your patients’ humanity
  59. Cylindrical stem insertion: A simple technique applicable in a majority of femoral reconstruction cases
  60. CYP2C19 allele linked with increased risk for major adverse CV events in patients given clopidogrel for PCI
  61. Debate concerning viability of vertebroplasty fueled by AAOS guidelines
  62. Developments in AMD management keep pace with increase in incidence
  63. Diabetes care experiencing technological revolution
  64. Diabetes costs projected to soar to $3.4 trillion by 2020
  65. Diabetes impairs but does not halt sex in older adults
  66. Diastolic dyssynchrony more frequent than systolic dyssynchrony in HF
  67. Dietary fats, fatty acids affect sperm quality
  68. Dietary intervention in infancy may prevent beta-cell autoimmunity
  69. Dispositivo de microdrenagem de aço inoxidável pode salvar o olho no glaucoma refratário
  70. Dispositivo de microdrenaje de acero inoxidable puede salvar ojos con glaucoma refractario
  71. Distal femur periprosthetic fracture results depend on selecting an optimal treatment
  72. Distinct characteristics of myocytes reported in patients with type 1 long-QT syndrome
  73. DNA test shows 99% accuracy in predicting curve progression for scoliosis patients
  74. Doctors find Medicare reimbursement inequitable, disagree on changes needed
  75. Drug and alcohol consumption linked to popularity in adolescents
  76. E. coli outbreak in Connecticut attributed to raw milk
  77. Early bilateral cochlear implantation may treat postmeningitic deafness
  78. ECP effective in glaucoma patients with prior aqueous tube shunt
  79. Ehrlichiosis clinically indistinguishable from Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  80. EMPHASIS-HF: Eplerenone reduced death, hospitalization by 37% in systolic HF
  81. ESRD attributed to diabetes declining in US
  82. Estradiol levels in female brains may affect response to emotions during menstruation
  83. Exercise linked to fewer, milder colds
  84. Exercise linked to fewer, milder colds
  85. Experts call for increased standardization of insulin pump management
  86. Eye care practitioners share, delegate vital patient care functions
  87. Farewell editorial: A time for everything
  88. FDA advisory committee outlines framework for PEP anthrax vaccine
  89. FDA approves endovascular system for thoracic aortic aneurysm repair
  90. FDA approves tesamorelin for treatment of lipodystrophy
  91. FDA requests withdraw of sibutramine from U.S. market
  92. Few women finished HPV vaccine regimen
  93. FLVCR-like proteins may contribute to malaria control
  94. Fractures of the lower extremity lead to lower survivorship in elderly
  95. Fuchs’ epithelial dystrophy
  96. Gait speed predicted elderly at risk for cardiac surgery-related mortality, morbidity
  97. Girls with Turner’s syndrome may benefit from higher-dose estradiol for initiating puberty, uterine development
  98. Growth hormone may be viable treatment for adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
  99. Guidelines being drafted to aid in diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in pediatric patients
  100. H1N1 vaccine was safe and effective in young children
  101. H5N1: 800-lb gorilla or lightweight?
  102. Haiti: Going back
  103. HCAHPS and you: Using experience-based methodology to deliver exceptional care experiences and outcomes
  104. Healthy lifestyle in young adulthood leads to low CVD risk profile later in life
  105. Hepatitis C increased risks for cerebrovascular-related death
  106. High lumbar spinal stenosis rates seen in elderly Framingham Heart study subjects
  107. History of severe headache and an empty sella
  108. HIV: Assessing the Long-term Consequences of Therapy and Infection
  109. HPV immunization in males becoming a ‘no-brainer’
  110. Identifying infectious diseases may become more difficult
  111. Increased prevalence, progression to osteoporosis observed in patients with HIV
  112. Influenza vaccination rates increased in pregnant women during 2009-2010 season
  113. IOM report sets new dietary intake levels of calcium, vitamin D
  114. La fotocoagulación láser continúa siendo una opción para el edema macular diabético
  115. Leptin, ghrelin implicated as potential predictors of weight regain
  116. Lifestyle changes, nutrients slow progression of AMD
  117. Lifestyle changes, nutrients slow progression of AMD
  118. Lifestyle choices important to good eye, overall health
  119. Lifestyle interventions improved risk factors for CVD in type 2 diabetes
  120. Low testosterone levels may increase mortality in men with CHD
  121. Lower-income families with high deductible more likely to forgo medical procedures
  122. Lyme disease rates high, yet the disease remains under-reported
  123. Maternal influenza immunization may improve fetal outcomes
  124. Measles eradication effort may be impacted by HIV
  125. Medical societies, experts dismiss radiation exposure from radioiodine as a public health concern
  126. Menstrual irregularities linked to type 1 diabetes
  127. Metabolic syndrome no more predictive of adult type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis than BMI alone
  128. Metal-on-metal bearings: A gathering storm?
  129. More optimal results found with locked vs. unlocked Enders rods for length-unstable pediatric femur fractures
  130. MRSA increased worldwide during the past 10 years
  131. Multi-country surveillance needed to detect, control C. difficile in hospitals
  132. Multiple MPI testing common, associated with high cumulative doses of radiation in patients
  133. Near-normal function seen after operative treatment of severely displaced scapula fractures
  134. New agents for diabetes management
  135. New center will test health care delivery, payment methods
  136. Newborn presenting with firm, erythematous rash
  137. No association between KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism and CAD risk
  138. No correlation between better post-ACDF sagittal alignment and quality of life results
  139. Noninvasive 3.0-T MRI depicted coronary artery endothelial function
  140. Nutraceutical options for osteoarthritis in orthopedics and sports medicine
  141. ORS for dehydration: Are you using it?
  142. OrthoWorx-funded education study to begin
  143. Overweight, obese women less likely to respond to assisted reproductive technology
  144. P. aeruginosa identified in patients with cystic fibrosis
  145. Peanut consumption during pregnancy may be linked to peanut allergy in infants
  146. Pediatric HbA1c levels in 2010: Goals vs. what is being achieved
  147. Periprosthetic fractures after shoulder arthroplasty can be successfully treated nonoperatively
  148. Physicians speak out on implications of dabigatran approval
  149. Platelet inhibitory response to clopidogrel predicted increased blood loss after off-pump CABG
  150. Polio remains significant among worldwide infectious disease threats
  151. Poor sleep increased risk for heart disease in adolescents
  152. Poor sleep increased risk for heart disease in adolescents
  153. Preschoolers exceed recommended TV viewing limits
  154. Prescribing and monitoring pearls for atrial antiarrhythmic therapies
  155. Professional duty created by patient consultations: Know for whom and when you are responsible
  156. Prompt revascularization vs. medical therapy improved health in patients with type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease
  157. Race and ethnicity influenced access to care for children with frequent ear infections
  158. RAFT: CRT, ICD plus medical therapy beneficial in patients with mild-to-moderate HF
  159. Registry shows high mid-term survivorship rates for hip, knee procedures
  160. Research group proposes serving statins with some fast foods
  161. Researchers discover link between aldosterone and brain in hypertension
  162. Researchers report additional high-risk symptoms in fetuses with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
  163. Resveratrol may decrease P. falciparum virulence
  164. ROCKET AF: Rivaroxaban, warfarin comparable in AF
  165. RSV-related hospitalization rates appear independent of gestational age
  166. Selecting patients for accommodating vs. multifocal vs. advanced monovision IOLs
  167. Self-testing methods for STIs had high acceptability
  168. Severe hypoglycemia increased risk for major macrovascular, microvascular events
  169. SHARP: Ezetimibe plus statin reduced CV risk in patients with CKD
  170. Significant variations found in bloodstream infection surveillance methods
  171. Sliding hip screws validated for use in treating stable peritrochanteric hip fractures
  172. SMART AV: No significant advantage in LVESV reported for SmartDelay device
  173. SNPs identified for elevating risk of hypertension in Japanese patients
  174. SNPs implicated in increased risk for first CHD event
  175. Social media and physicians: A good pair, but guidelines for use needed
  176. Stress test performed in more than half of patients within 2 years of revascularization
  177. Surgical options for recentration of an IOL
  178. Survey identifies vision as most important patient need
  179. Tat vaccine acts in synergy with HAART
  180. Técnica de colgajo escleral lamelar rotacional útil para ampollas de filtración
  181. Teenager previously diagnosed with ‘lazy eye’ has retinal findings
  182. The current state of influenza vaccination and treatment
  183. The current state on industry support of organized meetings
  184. The JUPITER trial and statins in primary prevention: Unequivocal benefit, or still a debatable issue?
  185. Three rapid diagnostic tests approved for malaria diagnosis in Haiti
  186. TRACS: Differing blood transfusion strategies yield similar complication, death rates in cardiac surgery patients
  187. Tribendimidine appears as effective as praziquantel for treatment of O. viverrini in children
  188. Two biomarkers predicted higher risk for HF
  189. Type 2 diabetes increased risk for sudden cardiac death in patients following MI
  190. Vaccines committee supports HPV vaccine for prevention of anal cancer
  191. Vaccines committee supports HPV vaccine for prevention of anal cancer
  192. Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale clinically useful for detecting learning disorders in children with ADHD
  193. Varicella vaccination significantly lowered hospitalization rates during 2000-2006
  194. Why the COGENT trial results matter
  195. Year in review: Top 10 stories for 2010
  196. Young infants benefited from thyroid supplementation after cardiopulmonary bypass
  197. ぶどう膜黒色腫に幹細胞様細胞の存在が示唆される-研究報告より