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Rheumatoid Arthritis Video Perspectives

In these video playlists, experts in rheumatoid arthritis share insights on treatment options, patient management, health equity and more. 

John M. Davis, III, MD

John M. Davis, III, MD, clinical rheumatologist and professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, spoke with Healio about lessons learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and ways to improve health equity for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


In this video playlist, Davis also discusses:

  • Treatment options for patients with RA, focusing on patient “archetypes” that can be more challenging to treat;
  • Recent advances in treatment for RA, including “continued expansion” in JAK-inhibitor molecules;
  • “Diagnostic dilemmas” rheumatologists have had to confront because of COVID-19; and
  • The importance of vaccination.
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