Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness

Joshua Baker, MD

Baker reports no relevant financial disclosures.

May 03, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Emerging therapies, recent developments in rheumatoid arthritis


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

A lot of existing medications for rheumatoid arthritis that are very good, and we're doing a much better job taking care of rheumatoid arthritis than we used to a couple decades ago. But there are still emerging therapies. One that's really interesting that's being studied right now and we'll find out about soon is vagal nerve stimulation, which is a very novel way of thinking about treating rheumatoid arthritis, which is essentially using an implant in the neck to stimulate the vagal nerve and reduce inflammation through that mechanism. And we'll go into that mechanism in much more detail. But it would be a very different approach to treating rheumatoid arthritis with different implications for patients that don't want to take injections, or other immunosuppressive medications. So, we will look forward to those results. I think there's also a lot of excitement about the emergence of more and more biosimilars in the space for rheumatoid arthritis. Those are not really new therapies, but they will increase access to the therapies that already exist and reduce costs in a way that I think will improve care. I think the space has slowed down a little bit in terms of development of new therapies for RA, simply because there are a lot of existing effective therapies and several have decided to not move forward with new mechanisms of action. So, I'm not aware of any that are immediately on the horizon, but there are still a number in development that are new and exciting, different approaches to blocking either a single or multiple pathways that are important in RA.