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January 10, 2024
2 min read

Top in endocrinology: Beware tirzepatide counterfeits; semaglutide after bariatric surgery

Eli Lilly and Co. urged consumers not to use tirzepatide for cosmetic weight loss and to avoid compounded and counterfeit versions of the drug.

Mounjaro/Zepbound (tirzepatide, Eli Lilly) received FDA approval for adults with type 2 diabetes and adults with obesity or overweight plus at least one weight-related comorbidity. Lilly is the only manufacturer of tirzepatide, but the company reported finding compounded versions with impurities, one of which was just sugar alcohol.

Weight loss scale and tape measure 2019
Eli Lilly and Co. urged consumers not to use tirzepatide for cosmetic weight loss and to avoid compounded and counterfeit versions of the drug. Image Source: Adobe Stock

“Patient safety is Lilly’s top priority, and we actively engage in monitoring, evaluating and reporting safety information for all our medicines,” the letter stated. “We are aware of certain practices relating to our tirzepatide medicines that we wish to address publicly to ensure that our medicines are prescribed and used safely.”

It was the top story in endocrinology last week.

Another top story was about weight loss results from semaglutide in adults with a history of bariatric surgery. After 24 weeks of once-weekly doses, those who did not respond to bariatric surgery achieved an average of 9.8% weight loss, compared with an average of 8.7% among adults with no history of bariatric surgery.

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Lilly warns public not to use tirzepatide for cosmetic weight loss

Eli Lilly and Co. released an open letter stating its tirzepatide products should not be used for cosmetic weight loss and warning the public about the circulation of compounded and counterfeit tirzepatide. Read more.

Semaglutide induces weight loss for nonresponders to bariatric surgery

Adults who initiated once-weekly semaglutide after not responding to bariatric surgery lost a similar amount of weight as those without a history of bariatric surgery, according to study findings published in Obesity. Read more.

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