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December 14, 2023
1 min read

Top in women’s health: Infertility and autism risk; at-home artificial insemination kit

A study of more than 1 million children in Canada found that those who were born to women who used assisted conception methods were slightly more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder than those who were not.

The incidence rate of autism spectrum disorder per 1,000 person-years was 1.93 among children born to women who did not use assisted conception; 2.49 among children born to women with subfertility; 2.72 among children born to women who used ovulation induction or intrauterine insemination; and 2.71 among children born to women who used in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. It was the top story in women’s health last week.

Source: Adobe Stock
A study of more than 1 million children in Canada found that those who were born to women who used assisted conception methods were slightly more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder than those who were not. Image Source: Adobe Stock

The second top story was about the Mosie Baby Kit, an at-home intravaginal insemination kit that was recently cleared by the FDA for home use. The kit includes two syringes and two proprietary semen collection cups. It can be used with fresh or cryogenically frozen semen.

Read these and more top stories in women’s health below:

Increased autism risk for children born to women with infertility

Children born to women with infertility who utilized assisted reproduction methods had slightly higher risk for autism spectrum disorder, independent of fertility treatment used, according to study results published in JAMA Network Open. Read more.

FDA grants clearance for home-use artificial insemination kit

The FDA granted clearance for an over-the-counter kit for use at home in intravaginal insemination for adults who cannot or do not want to use intercourse to conceive, according to an industry press release. Read more.

Long-term hormone therapy after hysterectomy yields benefits up to 20 years

Hormone therapy with transdermal estradiol may benefit bone and cardiovascular health and overall quality of life up to 20 years after hysterectomy, according to study results published in Menopause. Read more.

Depressive symptoms during pregnancy linked to slower fetal growth rates

Among women in China, depressive symptoms during pregnancy were associated with slower fetal growth rate in the rapid growth stage during weeks 30 and 37 of gestation, according to study findings published in JAMA Network Open. Read more.

Stillbirth associated with increased severe maternal morbidity risk 1 year postpartum

Stillbirth was associated with an increased risk for severe maternal morbidity during delivery hospitalization and up to 1 year postpartum, researchers reported in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Read more.