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August 25, 2023
1 min read

Top in allergy/asthma: Inhaler technique retraining; mobile app for asthma control

Inhaler technique often worsens within 12 months of instruction, with many patients experiencing deterioration in technique 1 to 3 months after instruction, according to a recent study.

Researchers said the findings highlight the need for repeated training and follow up from health care professionals to maintain proper inhaler technique. It was the top story in allergy/asthma last week.

woman with asthma inhaler
Inhaler technique often worsens within 12 months of instruction, with many patients experiencing deterioration in technique 1 to 3 months after instruction, according to a recent study. Image source: Adobe Stock

The second top story was about the mobile app juli, which allows users to rate their asthma symptoms and keep track of inhaler usage and possible triggers. A study found that patients with moderately to poorly controlled asthma experienced better asthma control after 8 weeks of using the app.

Read these and more top stories in allergy/asthma below:

Retraining may prevent asthma, COPD patients’ inhaler technique from getting worse

Inhaler technique deteriorates within 12 months of clinical instruction among patients with asthma and COPD, according to a review published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. Read more.

Mobile app guides users to improvements in asthma control

Patients with moderately or poorly controlled asthma experienced improvements in asthma control after using a mobile app for 8 weeks, according to a study published by medRxiv. Read more.

‘Encourage, evaluate, educate’ to ensure early infant introduction to allergens

Barriers may prevent physicians and caregivers alike from introducing allergens into infant diets to prevent food allergies, but these obstacles can be overcome, an expert said. Read more.

Various causes drive chronic cough in children, prompting different treatment

Chronic cough has a variety of causes in children, with broad options for treatment, according to a talk at the Association of PAs in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Allergy, Asthma & Immunology CME Conference. Read more.

Rural environments boost immune systems in children

Children who were raised in rural environments with lots of time outdoors and some exposure to animals had immune systems that were better regulated than children raised in urban environments, according to a study published in Allergy. Read more.