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April 06, 2023
1 min read

Top in women’s health: Heavy metals in dark chocolate; sleep linked to menopause onset

High levels of lead and cadmium in dark chocolate can have adverse effects for pregnant women and their fetuses, according to experts.

These negative effects include neurologic issues, low birth weight, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and spontaneous abortion. It was the top story in women’s health last week.

High levels of lead and cadmium in dark chocolate can have adverse effects for pregnant women and their fetuses, according to experts. Image: Adobe Stock

Another top story was about an association between shorter sleep duration and later menopause onset. Researchers said that more evidence is needed to determine the mechanism driving the association.

Read these and more top stories in women’s health below:

Limit dark chocolate consumption in pregnancy to avoid excess heavy metals

Consumer Reports in December warned of high levels of lead and cadmium in certain dark chocolate bar brands. These heavy metals, even in small concentrations, can have adverse consequences for pregnant people and developing fetuses. Read more.

Shorter sleep duration linked to later onset of menopause

Japanese women who habitually slept 6 hours or less per night were more likely to experience menopause at an older age than those who reported longer sleep duration, according to data published in Menopause. Read more.

COVID-19 vaccination associated with lower rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Pregnant women who vaccinated against COVID-19 had lower rates of perinatal death, preterm delivery, neonates with very low birth weight and NICU admission than unvaccinated women, researchers reported in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Read more.

Low-risk cesarean deliveries decreased over last 20 years

Low-risk cesarean deliveries decreased over the study period, with cesarean deliveries for labor arrest growing less common and those for nonreassuring fetal status increasing, according to study findings. Read more.

Q&A: Childbirth education podcast increases patient satisfaction

Podcasts may be an effective form of childbirth education, according to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Read more.