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December 05, 2022
1 min read

Top in cardiology: Vitamin D3 and statin-related muscle pain; salt preference and CVD risk

Compared with placebo, researchers found that vitamin D3 supplementation did not significantly reduce statin-associated muscle symptoms.

“Statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS) are common and often lead to discontinuation of statins. Several observational studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D are associated with the development of SAMS and plausible mechanisms have been proposed that link low levels of vitamin D to development of SAMS,” Mark A. Hlatky, MD, a professor at Stanford University, and colleagues wrote.

spilled salt
Less use of added dietary salt was associated with a lower risk for CVD, particularly heart failure and ischemic heart disease, data show. Source: Adobe Stock

It was the top story in cardiology last week.

Another top story covered a study that found less frequent salt use was associated with reduced total CVD event risk. The study builds on previous research “and alludes to the possible role that long-term salt preferences may have on the risks of total CVD events and major subtypes of CVD,” Sara GhoneimMD, of the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center wrote.

Read these and more top stories in cardiology below:

Vitamin D3 may not help with statin-related muscle pain

Vitamin D3 supplementation was not associated with reduced statin-associated muscle symptoms compared with placebo among new statin users enrolled in the VITAL trial, according to a trial subanalysis published in JAMA Cardiology. Read more.

Long-term salt preferences may influence CVD risk

Less use of added dietary salt is associated with lower risk for CVD, particularly heart failure and ischemic heart disease, whether or not individuals follow the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, data from a prospective study show. Read more.

Environmental toxins linked to rate of CV death; lead in US, air pollution in UK

In the U.S. and U.K., exposure to environmental factors such as lead and ambient particulate matter may correlate to increased cardiovascular death, according to a 30-year analysis of mortality data. Read more.

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Edoxaban better alternative vs. standard care for children at risk for blood clots

For children with rare heart conditions that increase risk for thromboembolism, daily edoxaban may be a safe and effective alternative compared with the current standard of care for this age group, researchers reported. Read more.