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October 10, 2022
4 min watch

VIDEO: Emory hosts 25th Cardiology in Primary Care Conference

Starting Oct. 13, Emory University will host its 25th Cardiology in Primary Care Conference, a 2.5-day event that will provide information on the outpatient management of cardiac conditions.

Topics that will be addressed during the conference include coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, electrophysiology topics such as EKG interpretation, valvular disease and vascular disease, according to course director Bryan Wells, MD, a cardiologist at Emory University.

In this video, Wells discusses the objectives of the conference and what he is looking forward to most.

“I think the take-home point for the Cardiology in Primary Care Conference is primary and secondary prevention of patients with cardiovascular disease,” Wells said. “There is an overwhelming burden of cardiac disease in the United States and worldwide. The risk for stroke, heart attack and other cardiac conditions is high. If we can emphasize medical management of patients with risk factors and minimize those risk factors with medications and lifestyle modification, we can do a lot for our patients.”

For more information, click here.