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June 15, 2022
1 min read

Top in endocrinology: Stem cell-derived therapy for type 1 diabetes; surgical weight loss

Researchers at the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions reported that a patient with type 1 diabetes gained insulin independence after receiving an investigational stem cell-derived pancreatic islet cell therapy.

James F. Markmann, MD, PhD, the presenter of the study, showed data from two patients with long-standing type 1 diabetes who were treated with half the target dose of VZ-880 (Vertex Pharmaceuticals). After one infusion, both participants experienced a decrease in HbA1c and daily insulin. Markmann said that patients with long-standing, severe disease are ideal candidates for this treatment.

insulin shot
Source: Adobe Stock

Another top story was about a study that found bariatric surgery can reduce obesity-related cancer risks. In the study, the cumulative incidence of obesity-related cancer was 4.9% in patients who did not undergo bariatric surgery compared with 2.9% among those who did undergo surgery.

Read these and more top stories in endocrinology below:

First patient gains insulin independence with novel stem cell-derived islet cell therapy

A man with long-standing type 1 diabetes and no endogenous insulin production achieved insulin independence after an infusion of an investigational stem cell-derived pancreatic islet cell therapy, researchers reported. Read more.

Surgical weight loss can lower obesity-related cancer, cancer-related mortality

Among adults with obesity, those who lost weight intentionally with bariatric surgery had significantly less obesity-related cancer and cancer-related mortality than those who did not have surgery, researchers reported in JAMA. Read more.

Experts debate obesity vs. glycemic control as primary target for treating type 2 diabetes

There is no single answer when it comes to determining the primary target for treating type 2 diabetes, two speakers said during a debate at the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. Read more.

‘Counterintuitive’ glucokinase inhibition may help prevent, reverse type 2 diabetes

A novel “counterintuitive” intervention that reduces glucokinase activity and limits the buildup of metabolites may enhance insulin secretion and ultimately prevent or even reverse type 2 diabetes, according to a speaker. Read more.

Bionic pancreas reduces HbA1c, improves time in range in type 1 diabetes: Pivotal data

Adults and children with type 1 diabetes who used an insulin-only bionic pancreas had reduced HbA1c without increasing hypoglycemia and other improved metrics compared with standard of care, researchers reported. Read more.