May 09, 2022
5 min watch

VIDEO: Encourage patients to 'move more, sit less'

CHICAGO — In this video, Carol Ewing Garber, PhD, FAHA, FACSM, FNAK, discusses how to get patients to “move more and sit less.”

This topic was the focus of her presentation intended for the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting, which she was unable to attend in person.

“Believe it or not, you can counsel patients on how to move more in 5 minutes or less,” said Garber, who is a professor of movement sciences and director of the graduate program in applied physiology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

However, physicians often do not counsel patients on exercise. To change that, Garber advises physicians how to incorporate discussions about exercise into patient visits.


Garber CE. Promoting exercise in primary care. Presented at: ACP Internal Medicine Meeting; April 28-30, 2022; Chicago.