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April 30, 2022
4 min watch

VIDEO: Building foundations for professional fulfillment in medicine

CHICAGO — The issues of physician burnout and personal well-being have gained even more significant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, the chair-elect of the ACP and an internal medicine physician in Albuquerque, New Mexico, along with her colleague Susan Hingle, MD, MACP, a general internist and associate dean for the Center for Human and Organizational Potential at SIU Medicine in Illinois, offered strategies for achieving professional fulfillment during a presentation at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting.

Barrett recapped her talk with Healio, explaining that resources are available to physicians.

“We want people to know that there are tools that can really help you, and some of them we can practice in all of our small environments,” Barrett said.


Barrett E, Hingle ST. Creating professional fulfillment. Presented at: ACP Internal Medicine Meeting; April 28-30, 2022; Chicago.