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August 09, 2021
1 min read

Top in cardiology: Benefits of testosterone therapy, plant-based diet

Recent data showed that long-term testosterone therapy was linked to a 25% reduced risk for myocardial infarction and stroke in men with low hormone levels aged younger than 55 years and a 15% reduced risk in those older than 60 years.

A report on the data was the top story in cardiology last week.

a bowl with salad and chickpeas
Source: Adobe Stock

Another top story included data from two studies that revealed a lower CVD risk among young adults and postmenopausal women who consumed a plant-centered diet. Researchers said a vegetarian diet was not necessary to reap CVD benefits; some animal products like eggs and low-fat dairy may be consumed in moderation.

Read these and more top stories in cardiology below:

Testosterone therapy may reduce CV events, mortality in men with very low hormone levels

Long-term testosterone therapy significantly reduced MI and stroke events in men with abnormally low testosterone levels, according to new data presented at the European Association of Urology Congress. Read more.

Plant-based food consumption associated with lower CVD risk

Consuming a more plant-centered diet was associated with lower risk for CVD among both young adults and postmenopausal women, according to two studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Read more.

Statins may increase chance of COVID-19 survival among those with heart disease

Individuals with heart disease or high BP may be less likely to die from COVID-19 if they use statins, according to findings published in PLOS ONE. Read more.

Early treatment via mobile stroke units yields better outcomes vs. ‘drip and ship’

Among patients with stroke who presented early after symptom onset, those treated by a mobile stroke unit were more functionally independent at 90 days compared with those treated with the “drip and ship” method, researchers reported. Read more.

Coronary artery calcium presence associated with ASCVD events

The presence of coronary artery calcium among individuals with risk-enhancing factors was associated with increased atherosclerotic CVD events, exceeding the threshold for statin therapy initiation, researchers reported. Read more.