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July 20, 2021
1 min read

Top in ID: STD cases on the rise, what to know about melioidosis

Despite a pandemic-induced decrease in STDs in the United States, cases have resurged. The CDC reported that cases of gonorrhea and syphilis by the end of 2020 increased by 7% and 1%, respectively, compared with 2019.

A report on the data was the top story in infectious disease last week.

Pagaoa graphic
Source: Pagaoa M, et al. Sex Trans Dis. 2021;doi:10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001506.

Another top story featured an interview with Jill Weatherhead, MD, MS, DTMandH, FAAP, about the CDC alert on melioidosis and what clinicians need to know. Weatherhead stated that melioidosis can be commonly mistaken for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Read these and more top stories in infectious disease below:

CDC data show resurgence of STDs after pandemic-related decline

STDs resurged in the United States by the end of 2020 following a decline in reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in March and April during the first peak of COVID-19, according to a new report. Read more.

Q&A: CDC alerts US clinicians about cases of melioidosis unrelated to travel

The CDC recently issued a health advisory regarding three cases of melioidosis in the United States that appear to be unrelated to travel. Read more.

Could delta change the trajectory of COVID-19 in the US?

After weeks of declining case counts, followed by a plateau, the United States is seeing an increase in COVID-19 in many parts of the country again, a CDC official warned this week. Read more.

Exposure to common nonantimicrobial drugs may lead to drug-resistant infections

Exposure to commonly prescribed nonantimicrobial drugs was associated with an increased risk for drug-resistant infections in a study of more than 1,800 patients at an Israeli hospital, researchers reported at the ECCMID virtual meeting. Read more.

Antibody cocktail lowers risk for death, hospitalization from COVID-19

The monoclonal antibody cocktail of bamlanivimab plus etesevimab (Eli Lilly) reduced the risk for COVID-19-related death and hospitalization among high-risk ambulatory patients compared with placebo, according to phase 3 trial results. Read more.