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September 06, 2020
1 min read

Stephen H. Kimura, MD, FAAAAI

Stephen Kimura, MD, FAAAAI
Stephen H. Kimura

Stephen H. Kimura, MD, FAAAAI, is an allergy and immunology specialist from the West Florida Medical Center Clinic in Pensacola, Florida.

I enjoy working with both adults and children with allergic and immunologic disorders. We have created a 'family friendly' environment within my office. I have had the privilege of being able to treat individuals who then will end up bringing in their children for evaluations. I love the field of allergy and immunology, as we are able to make such a huge difference in the lives of allergic individuals. We are able to treat patients who are having allergy and asthma problems and allow them to live a normal and healthy life. We are able to treat primary immunodeficiencies and prevent recurrent infections. We are also making headway into food-allergic children to allow them to eat an unrestricted diet.