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April 02, 2021
1 min read

Fully vaccinated people can travel but should still take precautions, CDC says

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In updated guidance, the CDC said fully vaccinated people can travel but should still take precautions.

Perspective from Amesh A. Adalja, MD

“Given recent studies evaluating the real-world effects of vaccination, CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people can travel at low risk to themselves,” the agency said. “A person is considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after receiving the last recommended dose of vaccine.”

Source: Adobe Stock.

The agency continues to discourage nonessential travel by people who are not fully vaccinated.

Fully vaccinated people can travel domestically without testing or quarantining upon their return as long as they take precautions, such as wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, keeping a safe distance and washing their hands, the CDC said.

Rochelle P. Walensky

“With millions of Americans getting vaccinated every day, it is important to update the public on the latest science about what fully vaccinated people can do safely, now including guidance on safe travel,” CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, said in a statement.

“We continue to encourage every American to get vaccinated as soon as it’s their turn, so we can begin to safely take steps back to our everyday lives,” Walensky said. “Vaccines can help us return to the things we love about life, so we encourage every American to get vaccinated as soon as they have the opportunity.”

The CDC also provided guidance for fully vaccinated individuals who want to travel internationally:

  • Fully vaccinated people are not required to receive a COVID-19 test before international travel, unless the desired destination requires it.
  • Fully vaccinated people are not required to self-quarantine when returning to the U.S., unless a state or local jurisdiction requires it.
  • Before boarding a flight to the U.S., fully vaccinated people should still have a negative COVID-19 test and be tested 3 to 5 days after their return.
  • Those who are fully vaccinated should still continue to take all COVID-19 precautions when traveling.

People who are not fully vaccinated should receive a COVID-19 test 1 to 3 days before traveling within the U.S., as well as 3 to 5 days after traveling. They should also continue to self-quarantine for 7 days after travel, or 10 days if they choose to not receive a COVID-19 test after returning.