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January 02, 2021
1 min read

Top in GI: Colorectal cancer screening, new trial for celiac disease therapy

An expert’s discussion about a colorectal cancer screening test that showed greater than 90% sensitivity was the top story in gastroenterology last week.

A video about a phase 3 trial that will investigate the potential role of larazotide acetate (9 Meters Biopharma) in patients with celiac disease was another top story.

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Find these and more of last week’s top stories in gastroenterology below:

Geneoscopy RNA-FIT has high sensitivity for colorectal cancer

In this exclusive video, George Catinis, MD, medical director at the New Orleans Research Institute, discusses the efficacy of an RNA-FIT colorectal cancer screening test developed by Geneoscopy. Watch video.

Beyond Celiac, 9 Meters partner for trial recruitment

Alan M. Ehrlich, MD, of University of Massachusetts Medical School, discusses the partnership between Beyond Celiac and 9 Meters Biopharma to recruit patients for a clinical trial that will explore larazotide acetate for patients with celiac disease who continue to experience gastrointestinal symptoms while following a gluten-free diet. Watch video.

Mailed outreach, inreach effective for HCV screening

A combination of inreach and mailed outreach was an effective hepatitis C screening strategy among hard-to-reach populations, according to study results. Read more.

The Rome Criteria and What’s Next for Rome V

In this Gut Talk podcast, Douglas A. Drossman, MD, discusses his path into medicine, the history and influence of brain-gut interactions and what gastroenterologists can expect for Rome V criteria. Listen to podcast.

More clinical evidence needed before recommending probiotics

In this video, Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD, CEO and co-founder of Pendulum Therapeutics, talks about the latest findings regarding the microbiome. Watch video.