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August 07, 2020
1 min read

AMA campaign urges Americans to wear face masks

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The AMA recently launched the #MaskUp campaign to normalize mask wearing in the fight against COVID-19.

“COVID-19 respects no geographic, demographic or ideological boundaries, and unfortunately it shows no signs of going away any time soon,” AMA President Susan R. Bailey, MD, said in a press release. “Make masks part of your daily wardrobe and regular routine. By wearing a cloth mask, practicing physical distancing, and regularly washing our hands, we can all prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Black man wearing a mask
Photo Source: Adobe Srock

The #MaskUp campaign aims to promote discussions on social media, address FAQs on masks, dispell myths on “common misconceptions and misinformation” about masks and provide ways that people stop the spread of the virus.

Last month, the Council of Medical Specialty Societies called for a nationwide mask-wearing mandate. The American Hospital Association, American Nurses Association and Infectious Diseases Society of America have also urged Americans to wear masks.

“Masks work. Masks save lives,” Bailey said. “Do your part. Mask up!”

Currently, the CDC recommends all people older than 2 years except those with trouble breathing or who cannot remove a face covering without help, to wear a cloth face covering in public or when around non-household members.